Cheeseburger In Paradise
Cheeseburger In Paradise
They Saved Hitler's Brain
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Love Potion Number Nine
Off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz
We hear he is a wiz of a wiz if ever a wizard there was
If ever if ever a wiz there was
The Wizard of Oz is one because
Because because because because becaaaaaaaause
Because of the wonderful things he does.
Wear a tall hat like the Druids in the old days
Wear a tall hat and a tatooed gown
Ride a white swan like the people of the Beltaine
Wear your hair long, baby, can't go wrong
Witchcraft - a jazz standard
Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
"Burning Down The House"
Goodness me, goodness me Industrial Disease
Oops! I Did It Again (#NoEffort)
Slip-sliding Away
And his friend Peppermint Patty