A flock of black necked stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) in the Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco Bay #bird #birds #donedwards #NWR #stilt #blackneckedstilt #photography #nature #NaturePhotograhpy
Impressions of a Yellow Lily - A lovely image for the coming of Spring.
"These little crabs, with brilliant cloisonné carapaces, walk on their tiptoes, They have remarkable eyes and an extremely fast reaction time. In spite of the fact that they swarm on the rocks at the Cape [San Lucas], and to a less degree inside the Gulf [of California], they are exceedingly hard to catch. They seem to be able to run in any of four directions; but more than this, perhaps because of their rapid reaction time, they appear to read the mind of their hunter."
From John Steinbeck. The Log from the Sea of Cortez.
Romantic White Magnolia Flower - every Spring, I look forward to the beautiful Magnolia flowers. Associated with grace and beauty and the oldest flower on our planet, dating back 100 million years. How's that for perseverance?
why did the snowy egret (Egretta thula) cross the trail? To get to the scummier water on the other side? in the Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge, San Francisco Bay #bird #birds #donedwards #NWR #egret #snowyegret #photography #nature #NaturePhotograhpy
Corn Silk - we attempted to grow corn one year. Don't think we had enough growing days because there was no harvest/ But it was magical watching the cobs form and that lovely glowing silk (the number of kernels on the corn can be counted by the strands of silk. Nature is so magical. This photo won 1st prize in a B&W Photo Contest.
On rame on rame on rame porteurs d'espoirs et diffuseurs de culture les artistes sont là pour éveiller les cerveaux endormis et réveiller les cerveaux exaltés.
Installation en cours des artistes Régis Poisson et Sophie Prestigiacomo, étang de Chevré 2020.
Early morning stroll along the beach in Greenport, New York