@steamforged new Cygnar Gravediggers boxsets have landed—Battlegroup starter or Command Starter, take your pick. These sets put the "warm" in Warmachine and the "rave" in Gravediggers. "You want it all but you can't have it"—except these Gravediggers, which you absolutely can https://tinyurl.com/4y5fb6ad #Warmachine #Cygnar #SteamforgedGames #TabletopGames #Miniatures #Wargaming
Tabletop Sentinel - beta · Pre-Orders Now Open for New Warmachine Cygnar ArmySteamforged Games have opened pre-orders for their latest Warmachine Cygnar
One of the main factions in the Iron Kingdoms, Cygnar has been a fundamental
part of the Warmachine experience since... Read More