Friday Conversation: One of my favorite #phish #geekery stats is "Fifty Percent Club" on @zzyzx's IHOZ website.
What are some of your wildest Fifty Percent Club stats? #yembconvo
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@velvetseawader Oh shit. I've seen 50% of the "Rotation Jams." Not sure to be proud of that or wipe it from my memory!!
@aburtch @velvetseawader I’ve seen 50% of Rotation jams too. And I’m proud.
@rowjimmy @velvetseawader I mean, they were fun at the time, but they *really* do not hold up well on re-listens.
@aburtch @velvetseawader Pretty sure I’ve got some wackier stuff in my Bandcamp collection.
@rowjimmy @velvetseawader Without fully realizing it, my Bandcamp collection has taken a hard turn into ambient music and pedal steel (with ambient pedal steel being my favorite). Not sure why that is, but it's interesting. Also, it's my primary source for purchasing physical music media these days as I trust the most money possible is going to the artist.
@aburtch @velvetseawader Definitely have a lotta that going on in mine too.
@rowjimmy @aburtch @velvetseawader Same. It’s because we’re enlightened and post-wook.