Guys, we got an offer to be a Nielsen household. I feel like this is my destiny.
With great power comes great responsibility.
Nielsen Headquarters, analysts cubical: "Sir, this family seems to watch a lot of something called "Goose" and "Phish", how do we classify that?"
"Send them two more dollar bills. This requires more research,"
@chopaganda I did it around 6 or 7 years ago. Even then I was mostly streaming but they said that was fine. It was okay. From what I understand it’s a less intrusive install now.
@lizardllama @chopaganda Of course, we all will need more rankings and reviews. #Destiny
@chopaganda I got a $10 bill! Called to inquire and they said I’d have to wear a device that listens to everything going on around me for media and I promptly said no thanks. I already have a phone for that
@Newbornelf Oh fuck that.