What a nightmare. My heart goes out to any parent in this position. #flaminglips
@Kealoha321 I just read that she was found!
@JoeAce967 that’s great news! I’ve known Steven since the late 80s and I can’t imagine the stress he and his wife have gone through. Thanks so much for the update!
@Kealoha321 You're welcome. I've never met any of the Flaming Lips, but I love their music. Steven is so freaking talented. I am happy she's safe!
@JoeAce967 my college housemate and bestie started doing the lips live sound originally when they got started. He’s produced all their albums since so I usually get to hang briefly with them when they’re in town. They’re all really good and genuine guys. So glad this had a happy ending.
@Kealoha321 Dave Fridman?