turns out a French word(s) approximates the first stage of "reverse sample recognition": *jamais vu*, the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but that nonetheless seems novel and unfamiliar. i.e., the opposite of deju vu.
But the magic occurs when this disorientation is resolved, as my brain connects the original music I'm hearing for the first time with the familiar (but often a distant memory) #HipHop song that sampled it.
The most common German word is a French one: Déjà-vu.
@vasto haha, it's close but not exactly. I actually have experienced it before, only in a different context.
how about 'musikselbsthüfte'?
@BEK97 this one got me some time last year or so https://youtu.be/38HDwuQ_euM?si=ST5ehIBKp5wUonad
@wharf_rat yes! The goat hip hop love song? 38-24-37
@BEK97 as i read this post I experienced it at the same moment (brothers johnson-tomorrow X o.c.-far from yours)