I should finally have time to assemble another one of my little bug magnets today! I already assembled the little blue beetle, which one should I make next?
Some #workinprogress photos of a painting made by my friend Pitak for a lady in Belgium. Msg me if you're interested in having any fantasy artwork made. My friends & I are very talented & can make you nearly anything you want
pics of #portraits in various states of completion that were made for people in the Congo, Canada, France, & Wisconsin; msg me if you're interested in having a #portrait painted based off of any of your favorite photos---
A #workinprogress pic of a #painting that was made for a scuba diver in Hawaii a few months ago ~~~
If u've got any nice photos you've always wanted to have painted, please feel free to contact me ~~~
what’s this #crossStitch #workInProgress going to say? wrong answers preferred.
Doodling around with some super cheap acrylics on equally cheap pressed wood. :D Honestly, the quality of both makes the word 10 times as hard as it should be, but in a way it makes me happy.
Feels good to feel like drawing and painting again~.
Work in progress, progressing and challenging me. I’m trying to finish this one q u i c k l y, wish me luck!
oil on mdf board
A progress photo of some decorative artwork made for the interor of a business here on Koh Samui island. If anyone out there has a business or charity or podcast or other endeavor that you need some design work made for, please let me know!
Some photos of #portraits at various stages of completion, the 3rd was done in acrylics, the rest in oil paint, these were made for families in Philadelphia, Ukraine, New Jersey, and Hungary; msg me if you'd like any special photos you have hand-painted~
Some #workinprogress pics of #paintings made for a lady from Spain; msg me ify ou're interested in having any of your favorite photographs painted, really fine work that's affordable too ~~~
I watched #arcane season 2 and omg Episode 7 is my absolute favorite! Had to draw that specific scene… #WorkInProgress