Writing captions for pictures by hand is a great word game, better than #wordle !
Writing captions for pictures by hand is a great word game, better than #wordle !
Fly-eyed glasses may help the visually impaired see well again
Perhaps showing my ignorance here but I am wondering how alt descriptions of images actually work for visually impaired individuals. Surely it is not possible to read the text displayed... the font used is miniscule?
I presume they are using some custom browser or browser extension (or screen reader device that will read and speak the text displayed on the screen)?
Should it try to describe everything in the image? Or should it just be a few words?
Life Without Limits: A Blind Maker’s Take on 3D Printing - In the world of creation, few stories inspire as much as [Mrblindguardian], a 33-y... - https://hackaday.com/2025/01/10/life-without-limits-a-blind-makers-take-on-3d-printing/ #text-basedmodeling #visualimpairment #visuallyimpaired #3dprinterhacks #3dprinting #text-based #blindness #openscad #blind #cad
Okay, the results of the screen reader survey are in:
"People who use screen readers, do you prefer hashtags to all be at the end of a post, or do you prefer hashtags to be mixed in with the main text?"
- 100 votes prefer hashtags all at end
- 42 votes prefer hashtags mixed in text
...so, it seems to be that hashtags at the end have a lot more fans, but it's not unanimous.
(Link to survey: https://social.growyourown.services/@FediTips/112977620571623981)
A total solar eclipse will move across the U.S. on Monday, April 8. People who are blind or visually impaired will be able to experience it as they grow colder and hear birdsong change along with the dimming light, but much of the effect is visual. Planetary scientists Cassandra Runyon and David Hurd have written a guide called “Getting a Feel for Eclipses,” which has tactile graphics that illustrate the paths of the 2017, 2023 and 2024 eclipses. They write for @TheConversationUS about why they made it, and how it works.
#Blindness #VisualImpairment #Accessibility #LowVision #Sight #Eclipse #TotalEclipse #SolarEclipse
For more stories like this, follow @ConversationUS's Science & Technology Magazine, @science-technology-us-ConversationUS.
#Braille is nearly two centuries old, but, rather than being supplanted by new technology, advocates say the script is having a new lease on life
Magic touch: how ‘revolutionary’ changes are making braille better than ever | #Blindness and #VisualImpairment | The Guardian
@BrandxB I don’t know. My sense is that the post that includes the link should be descriptive. Once a user follows a link, their text reader goes to work on the linked site. Can anyone out there help with this excellent question? #AltText #accessibility #VisualImpairment #TextReaders
Olen jyväskyläläinen kuurosokea ja kahden CODA-lapsen äiti. Puhun suomea ja toinen äidinkieleni on suomalainen viittomakieli. Käytän päivittäin valkoista keppiä ja minulla on käytössä sisäkorvaistutteet ja viiton myös taktiilisti, eli kädestä käteen. Minulla on Usherin oireyhtymä, tyyppi 3.
Tykkään neulontajutuista, juoda hyvää teetä, katsella hyviä TV-sarjoja ja elokuvia. Pelaan tietokoneella Genshin Impactia ja Nintendolla Animal Crossingia.
Lisäksi voit bongata meikän #pulina-kanavalta IRCstä.
PS. En osaa braillea.