Tigger the Tiger playfully exclaimed, "This is MY TOY! Please don’t touch it again!" Every time the staff and interns clean the cats' habitats, they rearrange the toys, and it really seems to get the cats excited to play with them!
“I know my rights. You cannot force me to talk without a lawyer. And besides, I know nothing of this ‘piece of tuna’ you refer to.”
We are all Children of the Sun
#Tigger, January 2025
“What a sad excuse for an apex predator you are, monkey boy. Now feed me.”
I’m pretty sure that this is Tiggerish for “All work & no play makes Dad a dull boy”
I know, I know, but there’s so much work to be done …
Momentary still life
It’s such a dark rainy day, this picture is very blurred & noisy
But to be honest, I’m glad I managed to grab it at all, as sitting on top of the speaker was just a very brief stop for Tigger on his zoomie race around the house this lunchtime
The King has issued his final official #Caturday portrait for 2024
You're welcome
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
The Phantom Menace
Why let a bad flash-lit feline photo go to waste when you have all those lovely sliders in Lightroom to play with?
“Sleep softly and carry a big stick.”
With apologies to Teddy Roosevelt
FWIW, that’s a branch from an olive tree that was growing in the front garden of the house I bought in Tucson in 1990. Many stories & mixed metaphors there
Speaker of the House Take 2
Speaker of the House
“Like an enormous housecat, the cosmos is pretty, good to have around, sometimes can even appear caring, but ultimately could not give a flying fuck.”
– under the entry for “cosmodicy” in RationalWiki, originally written by Sake Fueled
The cable manager will see you now
Sometimes, almost out of nowhere, photographic magic just happens
I love this – the stark angles & textures of the monochrome chiaroscuro, broken almost perfectly by a whiskered ball of fluffy colour
Slave to the rhythm
“Help me, Obiwan Kenobi; you’re my only hope.”