Here comes Butch Tiger! When the new interns first arrived, this sill boy had a great time trying to scare them. He is a very feisty boy
El Gato consentido
#Cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Tiger #Tigers
A Boy and His Barrel - Chuff Tiger enjoys all his toys, but his barrels are his favorites.
Yo quiero esos gatos
#Cats #Catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfFediverse #Caturday #Tigers #Tiger
Day 11 of posting something until I get a commission. @pixel_dailies #tiger
Aurora Tiger and one of her favorite toys, a green Tipsy Tom.
These two're made by my pal who runs a small #art studio & #artgallery a few towns over from me, her nickname is Em, her formal first name is Suphannee; these two are really nice & large.
#artists #artist #artforsale #painting #paintings #interiordecorating #interiors #interiordecor #supportthearts #wildlife #animals
#catsofmastodon #catstodon #tiger #tigers #artnet #illustration #spiritual #spirituality #artistsonmastodon #mastoart #supportlivingartists #buddha #buddhist #buddhism
Good Morning, Friends! Glacier Tiger enjoys a morning stroll, chuff, and head rub.
Lots of great #green tones in these 4 #paintings, msg me if u see one u like;all're large-sized & done w/oil paint on canvas, made by local #artists Lek,, Em aka Suphannee, & Sathit; reach out 2 me if u see one u like and'd like 2 inquire about
#art #arts#artist #handmade #nature #cats #painting #artwork #animals #tiger #tigers #artlover #artlovers #artgallery #artgalleries #painting #handmade #decor #interiors #interiordecor #interiordecorating #supportthearts #supportlivingartists
New tiger swallowtail from #canada just fluttered by:
Papilio solstitius
#ZooKeys #PapilioSolstitius
#science #OA #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #lepidoptera #butterfly #tiger #swallowtail
Tiger Jasmine 2 loves playing in the snow. THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to our Heating Up campaign to help keep the animals' dens heated. The matching funds will be available throughout April.
SXSW Doc ‘42nd Street’ Tells Untold Stories From Santo Domingo’s Troubled Cultural Hotspot in First Trailer (EXCLUSIVE)
#Variety #Global #News #JoseMariaCabral #SXSW #Tiger #Woodpeckers
Two works made by my friend Em aka Suphannee ---
Large-sized, painted with oil paint on canvas ---
msg me if interested, great deal on both of these ---
These animals wouldn't have been able to survive in the wild. Without the skills of wilderness survival, they wouldn't last. The zoo provided them with shelter, food, and enrichment. #zoo #lion #tiger #bear
Sharing a cute wild beauty this morning - Floral Heart Tiger: