#Underwater #Paradise by Kaye Menner Wide variety #Prints & lovely #Products at:
Welch schöner Wanderweg, den ich mit über 10kg Kampfgewicht auf dem Rücken nach oben gehechelt bin, damit ich am Ende einen starken Sonnenuntergang über einer Nebeldecke vorfand.
Aber es gilt wie immer: Der Weg ist das Ziel
grandparents day by Yuliya Bahr
Can't decide which of these I like better.
Both shot at Orakei Korako (between Rotorua and Taupō).
Good morning.
16 February 2024
I left our bedroom door open last night, so when I opened my eyes, guess who was staring me in the face? You got it, Charlie. I thought he had been sitting there patiently waiting for me to wake up, but my wife told me that he had bumped the bed to wake me.
Did you know that dogs and wolves are the same species? I didn't until a few days ago. I should have but I assumed that they were closely related species that sometimes cross breed. But nope, they're the same. Dogs though are different subspecies Domestic dogs are "Canis lupus familiars." While there are numerous subspecies of the grey wolf, one is the Artic Wolf (Canis lupus arctos). So ... when I call Ben a Dire Wolf, I'm not that far off. :) Or am I? Dire Wolf (Aenocyon dirus).
“Dogs are awesome. They don't care if you're clever or not; they just like to hang out with you” - Bella Osborne, The Library