ordered a new run of #usb3sun boards. should be back in stock later this month!
ordered a new run of #usb3sun boards. should be back in stock later this month!
OTD 1982: #SunMicrosystems is incorporated.
Preliminary business plan (as VLSI Systems, Inc.): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AISiLW3rBJQhArztoQ5p5K12Z4Bj2hru/view?usp=sharing
Serial number 1 of the JavaStation 1 is up on EBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/195650243344
You can run NetBSD on it: https://fatsquirrel.org/oldfartsalmanac/netbsd-on-a-javastation/
TOPS FlashBox drivers
Driver disk of the TOPS FlashBox high-speed LocalTalk adapter by Sun Microsystems.
Thinking about selling my Sun TAAC-1 VLIW board. Introduced in 1987, it was a coprocessor for VME Sun-3 systems, and the world's first "Board Level General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit", according to some.
Approximately 400 were made.
Photogenic little beastie, among other things.
If you're interested, please email: dave@cca.org
https://www.cyclingeu.com/493927/reviving-the-sunray-sun-microsystems-forgotten-terminal-server-thin-client/ Reviving the SunRay: Sun Microsystems’ Forgotten Terminal Server & Thin Client ##germany #Bicycling #BicyclingGermany #Biking #BikingGermany #Cycling #CyclingBorkenGermany #CyclingGermany #Deutschland #phintage.phunsites.net #retro #retrocomputing #solaris #Solaris9 #sun #SunMicrosystems #SunTerminal #SunThinClient #SunFire #SunRay #SunRay1G #SunRayServer #THEPHINTAGECOLLECTOR #V120 #Vintage #VintageComputing
I've been trying to figure out why the GUI for Solaris 10 wasn't working on my Ultra 5. It installed just fine but only boots to a text login. I noticed when trying to reinstall that it prints a message saying GUI mode setup is only available with 768MB of RAM. I have a suspicion that the same restriction must apply to the normal GUI as well.
Randomly thinking about this the other day, still think it's crazy that #Java was this huge important #ProgrammingLanguage when I was first learning to program back in the 2000s, then #SunMicrosystems was bought by #Oracle in the 2010s when I was teaching for the certifications, and now in the 2020s it's become this depreciated legacy language. The success of the less-portable and less-learned copycat .Net and staying power of the older #Python shows there was clearly a market for Java to continue, but the large #corporation was so much more interested in filing lawsuits against people who were doing things with the language than actually developing it further with modern features, they actually managed to push it into obscurity.
And we can't forget that this was a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR LOSS. BILLIONS OF DOLLARS had been spent to build up infrastructure to support the widespread use of this language across the industry, so when they dropped all support, and all of that became obsolete for no other reason.
@yassie_j #Oracle really #enshittufued all the stuff they got from #SunMicrosystems.
I might just boot up this sucker, too. Just because. For some reason it's missing its faceplate. I think it's just in another box.
I've been troubleshooting an install issue with Solaris 10 (on an Ultra 5). It kept giving me "Fast Data Access MMU Miss" which seems to be bad memory, processor, or motherboard.
Nope. The system had 256MB of RAM. Doubled that to 512MB with the spare RAM I ordered for troubleshooting and it installs just fine. System requirements say 256MB is the minimum, but it doesn't seem that way.
Now, what do I do with all this spare hardware....
Look what I found under my Christmas tree!
Sure, it was from me to me, but still...
Wow. This brings back memories. #UNIX #Solaris #SysAdmin #SunMicrosystems
"Open Minds 1982-1992" #SunMicrosystems 10th anniversary book - full scan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BCIwj6B26IYuiWbyp1Ylr3i7_ObretcA/view?usp=sharing
First tradeshow swag from #SunMicrosystems? Note the original logo.
Here is my write up on getting the Sun Ultra 1 setup and working.
I can't figure out if I have a Solaris 8 config problem, a hardware failure, or something with my home network that isn't "Sun compatible". I can not get either the onboard TPE or the off board TPE+SCSI adapter to connect to my network. The Ultra 1 can see inbound traffic but nothing being sent is received on the other end of the link.
This is the most success I've had getting Solaris 8 on this machine. So many false starts...
Anyone know a good PLA that closely matches the Sun Microsystems Blue Gray color from their cases? Trying to print some replacement parts for stuff that broke and having some difficulties matching the color.
Edit: this no name Chinese PLA is the closest I've found. It is slightly darker but you can only tell if it's right next to an original piece. https://a.co/d/1eHxLiZ