If you enjoy spending time in the great outdoors, both in Scotland and elsewhere, it's to these trailblazers that you owe a debt of gratitude for helping to ensure you still have the right to do so.
It was the birth place of not one, but two of Scotland's early mountaineering clubs (the Lomond and the Creagh Dhu). Amongst others Tom Weir, later to become an influential writer and broadcaster, was a regular visitor to the fire where those passing would stop to make a brew and talk with others doing the same.
For whatever reason, found myself thinking about the Chronicles of Narnia again. It's probably the first fantasy series I ever read. I loved the cover art, done by Roger Hane for my edition.
I loved the thought of being pulled into another world. A world where animals could talk, goals were plain, evil was black and white, and I could be valuable.
Voyage of the Dawn Treader was my favorite. Exploration, bizarre lands, and unmapped wonders.
Good morning.
9 January 2025
I think I'm going to just ramble this morning: Hmmm ... do I ever not ramble?
I replaced the battery in my lawn mower a couple of days ago. I had to leave the house to go find a new battery, which I found at the dealership. That is pretty much the extent of my social life, when I come face to face with other people because I need something from the store or elsewhere. That may sound sad, but I like the solitude. There was a time when I enjoyed getting out there, but those times are long gone. I stay as busy as I want, there are always things to do but only if I want to do them. I did invite somebody over yesterday ... a plumber.
“I feel like I could do anything. The world is my oyster. If I ate oysters, which I don't. My family's vegetarian. But you know what I mean.” - Maulik Pancholy, The Best at It
I've been re-watching Bill Nye the Science Guy recently for that cozy nostalgia feeling, and WOW. I think I know why everyone LOVED this show so much. And it's not just because young students knew they weren't doing homework when the teacher rolled in the TV cart.
The show pops out at you and keeps your attention. It's silly without killing your focus on the educational aspect. But most importantly: it doesn't infantilize its young audience.
While Bill jokes that it's "his show" in some episodes, there's always a part where the kids get to do a segment and have some fun. Hell, the show gives you things to do so you don't feel like you're learning by just staring at another talking head like you already do with a teacher in class every day. In the episode about biodiversity, Bill lists off things you can do to help the environment. He makes you feel like you can do meaningful things despite being young. That's powerful.
Any time you "need an adult" for the experiments demonstrated in the show, it isn't for some stupid reason, and the show makes it clear that an adult is supposed to be a helping hand, or make sure you don't hurt yourself. These rules are respected because you know WHY you're following them, instead of being yelled at to do things exactly "like you're supposed to".
Also! The show is damn cool. They make references to pop culture with one early episode doing a Nirvana spinoff, or the sound episode where they go to the studio for Soundgarden (Fucking SOUNDGARDEN. How??? That's amazing!)
The reich-wing in this country loves to bitch and complain about Bill's new series (Bill Nye Saves the World) but I bet if they rewatched his old episodes, they'd complain up and down about how diverse the cast is. How every kid, no matter their skin color or gender, can feel represented and like the show is for them.
It really sucks we don't have shows/content like this anymore for the most part. Young people should be excited to participate in the world they're gonna grow up in, and as I've been saying for YEARS now: "Passion is the gateway to knowledge." You just can't get people passionate about learning by sitting them in a desk all day and waking them up too early in the morning to go to a place where they dread constant homework and tests. Learning should be EXCITING. What you like learning should be a hobby. You should love it and want to go down every rabbit hole you possibly can because the learning is fun.
#Trump & his allies…[have tried to blame Democrats for]…an overheated political climate that…has led to #PoliticalViolence, ignoring that Trump has long used…[far worse]…language to describe Democrats.
Throughout Thurs night’s interview, Trump…gave a series of #rambling answers in which he flung personal #insults at his critics, at one point relived his 2016 presidential campaign & used dark language to make exaggerated claims about #immigration.