a post in which I practice public vulnerability and saying "eff youuu" to shame.
#mentalhealth #burnout #blog #personalwebsite
And here's today's actual new blog post!
I wrote a post about everybody's favorite thing: internet ads!
#blog #blogging #blogpost #indieweb #advertising #personalwebsite
I'm checking out free web hosting providers that can be used for fun and personal websites.
I wanted to know what to recommend to people who want to make their own website, so I decided to try things out for myself!
Testing Free Website Hosts
My personal website is live!
It’s a little corner of the internet where I’ll be sharing my projects, random thoughts, and whatever else feels right.
If you’re curious, take a peek: https://gciavarrini.github.io/
Here in the fedi the hashtags #indieWeb #smallWeb #personalWebsite are a good starting point.
Then there’s the website directory on neocities.org. There are other hosting services like that that also have website directories, e.g. nekoweb.org.
The 32-Bit Café is a good rescource, too. I'm a member of the forum and it's a wonderful community there. They also have a Discord server, but I am not using that, so I can't say anything about it.
Then there are newsletters and e-zines, like Scrolls from @shellsharks@malici.ous.computer, or ajazz's From the Superhighway, or Own your Web by @matthiasott@mastodon.social that are good entry points as well.
Lots of members and voices from the community are also in the fedi. You'll find them as soon as you explore those hashtags above.
And then it's all surfing form one to the other site from there. You'll be amazed about what you're going to find! Have fun!
Edited for more typos.
What I absolutely adore about the indie/ personal/ small web: Everybody's approach is very different. There are super modern looking websites and there are the ones who seem to come straight out of the 1990's/ early 2000's. There are ones that are specially made to work on the oldest computers. There are ones with and ones without Java Script. Ones made by pro web devs and ones made my people who are just starting to learn the basics. There are people who've been there from the beginning and those who are very new. And everything in between. People of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life.
In visiting personal websites you are seeing and experiencing the diversity of the world. And it's glorious!
#indieWeb #personalWeb #personalWebsite #smallWeb
bloggers: I'm wanting to add ways for people to interact with me on my blog. I have a couple of ideas, but wanted to ask the fedi.
(*❛‿❛)→ What are the most effective ways you interact with visitors to your blog? Why?
(also... Not looking for specific recommendations for my blog, but rather YOUR experiences!)
#blog #personalwebsite #personalblog #community
ReadBeanIceCream Slash Pages
I recently asked for some tips on improving my site. In doing so, I learned about slash pages.
Thanks to @shellsharks for the recommendation!
I'm a bit obsessed with working on my website currently. And inspired by all the fantastic personal websites I'm finding. So here's another update to my website:
I added three pages: a sitemap, a page where I want to collect all the single pages I want to make, and one such single page.
I also put the change log on my homepage into a scrollable box. I'm not super happy with how it looks, but I do like a scrollable box thing.
I am feeling a bigger re-design coming... I have ideas, but don't know when I'll actually sit down to try it out. I have some ideas of single pages first.
#personalWebsite #neocities #smallWeb #personalWeb #indieWeb
I've complettely revamped my site again! It's now #BuiltWithEleventy and has a proper blog with a tagging system and everything!
Forever a work in progress, I fixed some broken pagination links on my website, added some fantastic art from Olly Costello on the frontpage, and polished it up a bit... take a look! <3
#indieweb #personalwebsite #smallweb
I added a #Blogroll
I also added a Mastodon feed for #blogpost of #indieweb tags.
Celebrating 16 years since I created my first website!
Here's a blog post commemorating this occasion from last year.
"There is a hidden value in blogging. There’s an old Zen saying: “Chop wood, carry water.” You do it not for the applause but because it needs doing."
I have updated my website's CSS. The updates are barely visible for the most part, as the design stayed the same. But thanks to @kevinpowell@front-end.social and his excellent "HTML & CSS for Absolute Beginners" video series on Youtube I made some changes and improvements. Some of which have lead into another problem, but for now I won't think too hard about it. After all, I am still learning and this is only just a hobby project.
One improvement: The images on this post are now behaving way better.
The problem: The gap between image and text in this post is huge. Which I believe has to do with the grid-template-colums set to 1fr 1fr. But as I said, I'm not going to loose any sleep over it, and I'm going to figure this one out eventually.
(Please no-one look too closely at my stylesheet. It's a mess. )
Thanks again to @flamed@social.lol for pointing me towards Kevin's YouTube.
#PersonalWebsite #PersonalBlog #SmallWeb #CSS
On a very related note, I've been encouraging folks to create their own websites and blogs, which can help us create communities, regain control of our digital lives, but also counteract the efforts of our governments and institutions to erase our shared history and culture.
Here's a few tools that might help.
I've moved over from mastodon.design, so it's time for another #introduction toot!
I'm Dominik, a young coder from Switzerland.
I work as a web dev (mainly with #webflow) and study #cs (in #bern) by day, while working with #laravel and on my #personalwebsite by night.
Some things I'm into:
My main home on the internet is https://dominikhofer.me – you're invited to pay me a visit over there :)