A very rare treat today while driving down to Seward. Orcas in Turnagain Arm! #Alaska #Anchorage #Orca #Whales
I finally made it, the EP is out
Xsodect - Parts II
#Music written in #Orca with #sound coming from #SunVox
#Youtube playlist for visuals
Orcas! I had a terrible day yesterday, so when I got home I drew some sea buddies.
Available as flash tattoos, either separately or together. $65 for one, $100 for both.
Bookings available for flash or custom tattoos! Book via venue, forms, or email [hanandraws@gmail.com]
... D 6/6.
Elsewhere #CitizenWatch #BN0231_52L #Orca …
- Citizen USA https://www.citizenwatch.com/us/en/product/BN0231-52L.html
in archive https://web.archive.org/web/20240413084123/https://www.citizenwatch.com/us/en/product/BN0231-52L.html#expand
- WatchUSeek: Citizen:
— search “BN0231”: https://www.watchuseek.com/search/?q=bn0231&t=post&c%5Bchild_nodes%5D=1&c%5Bnodes%5D%5B0%5D=905&o=relevance
— search “orca” https://www.watchuseek.com/search/?q=orca&t=post&c%5bchild_nodes%5d=1&c%5bnodes%5d%5b0%5d=905&c%5bshowFilter%5d=visibleOnly&o=relevance
... D 1/6, c 20230910.
Resized bracelet of a #CitizenWatch #BN0231_52L #Orca to remove 2.5 links on one side, 1 link on other side & a pair of pin+collar. It took only ~an hour & sacrifice of the SIM-extraction bit of iFixIt set.
Latter was own mistake for forgetting that the springbar tool[0] has a thin+strong enough pin to push out the pin of the bracelet
Earlier thought had lost a collar; found it now (just under the bed) :raised Simba:
At the moment on Vancouver Island: people looking for orcas. Orcas looking for sea lions. Sea lions looking for herring. Herring looking to spawn.
Photo from my archives.
So, which linux desktop do y'all think works best with #orca these days? Also, do any text based browsers support javascript yet?
Few snaps of the Biggs/Transient Orcas (mammal eating type) from the Edmonds waterfront midday today. Such an exciting experience!
T46s, T46Bs and the male is Thor, we saw him exactly a year ago today from Camano Island.
#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt #Draw #Drawing #AnimalDrawing #DrawingAnimals #Tiger #Elephant #Bird #Dog #Orca #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
383 & 384/x
reference pictures from line-of-action.com/
Some whale #linocut prints for #WorldWhaleDay! I’ve had the great privilege of seeing humpbacks and orcas (and other species) when working at sea. They seem as curious about us as we are of them.
I would love to see the blue whale and narwhals, in my other prints, too.
I hope we always live in a world where whales can thrive.
#printmaking #whale #humpbackWhale #orca #narwhal #blueWhale #sciart #conservation #MastoArt
#Orcas off Antarctica filmed teaching calves to hunt in incredible new footage, hour-long lesson where adult #orca teach calves how to hunt seals off #Antarctica.