Moe at the Charleston Music Hall on 3.10.25 #Moe #ConcertPhotography #MusicPhotography #CHS #fujifilm
Moe at the Charleston Music Hall on 3.10.25 #Moe #ConcertPhotography #MusicPhotography #CHS #fujifilm
♫ Now Playing #moe.: Mar 8, 2025 at The Eastern, Atlanta, GA on @nugsnet
moe. - 3/8/25 The Eastern, Atl...
This is a great example of why I have always referred to #moe as a rock and roll band. The main riff of this song and the whole thing is just straight rock and roll. While they are certainly capable of, and can certainly do, all the things jambands do; moe at their very core is a rock band and a damn good one.
#moe. in Philly last night. Covered Fearless by Pink Floyd and Carpet Crawlers by Genesis. I wanted to see Recreational Chemistry, got one, and boy do they crush that... every... fucking... time. Surprised my crew by having Al shout us out during Al.nouncements. Chuck sang a lot and shredded like a boss. I'm continuously stunned by his recovery from the stroke. 35 years they've been doing this and they are still super fab and have a brand new album too.
It's #moe. day
@clifff You can’t fire yourself, but you could fire me. Here are mine:
1. Gave my daughter a #Sonos speaker for her birthday and watched her set it up herself
2. Happily listened to her pick of #LedZeppelin II on said speaker while we put up show worthy triangle panel lights in her room.
3. Came back to John Henrickson’s #TheDeadpod after a long hiatus and caught 2/19/82 S2
4. Tried and failed to get my wife to go to see #Moe in Frisco
5. Relistened to #Goose N3 from GR
Lamb Lies Down At Fillmore: moe. Premieres Genesis Cover In San Francisco
So others have mentioned this but the new moe. LP low key kicks ass. I’m really looking forward to seeing them in April at The State in Portland. I’ve been seeing these guys for 30 years as of this coming September and it’s so great they’re still making music together, particularly with the health issues they’ve had over the past decade. #moe
Right outta the gates the new album sounds…Different! I feel some Black Sabbath vibes on the opening track, and love hearing Nate on lead vocals. Can’t wait to hear the rest of this. #moe #CircleofGiants
Trump stooge #Moe couldn’t care any less about hardworking Canadians as long as his orange turd boss and his minions are placated. #FuckThat #canPoli #boycottUSA
Over boeken gesproken: ik ben kapot moe omdat de huisgenoot de hele tijd goede tips aan het delen is uit dit boek
#DuckDuckGo is now offering free, #anonymized access to a number of fast #AI #chatbots that won't train in your data. You currently don't get all the premium models and features of paid services, but you do get access to privacy-promoting, anonymized versions of smaller models like GPT-4o mini from #OpenAI and open-source #MoE (mixture of experts) models like Mixstral 8x7B.
Of course, for truly sensitive or classified data you should never use online services at all. Anything online carries heightened risks of human error; deliberate malfeasance; corporate espionage; legal, illegal, or extra-legal warrants; and network wiretapping. I personally trust DuckDuckGo's no-logging policies and presume their anonymization techniques are sound, but those of us in #cybersecurity know the practical limitations of such measures.
For any situation where those measures are insufficient, you'll need to run your own instance of a suitable model on a local AI engine. However, that's not really the #threatmodel for the average user looking to get basic things done. Great use cases include finding quick answers that traditional search engines aren't good at, or performing common AI tasks like summarizing or improving textual information.
The AI service provides the typical user with essential AI capabilities for free. It also takes steps to prevent for-profit entities with privacy-damaging #TOS from training on your data at whim. DuckDuckGo's approach seems perfectly suited to these basic use cases.
I laud DuckDuckGo for their ongoing commitment to privacy, and for offering this valuable additional to the AI ecosystem.
Just one is all it takes to strike it rich and alienate the fans that send a band to their jumping off point.
Don't throw it all away.
I was extra today and they sent me home. Thank God. It's my first day off since mid November other than Sundays, Xmas and Thanksgiving. I ran errands, made calls to fix credit card and ezpass crap, put air in my car tires, made dog food and played with the dog and cleaned the house (parts of it anyway). I actually felt like a normal human being today instead of a beat up crash test dummy. Oh, and I bought concert tix too...#moe. Back to slinging packages tomorrow. Peak season is almost over.
This show is so fucking good. Sheeesh #monkeysoneggnog #moe