#HobbyStreak day 1127
Worked on my #Mordheim Northern Wastes Inbreds a lot
Sure, for a ragtag bunch of men so down on their luck that they're heading into a recently ruined city that's a proper gang battleground, they're looking a bit... Flush with gold? But I don't mind lol.
Fixed many white spots. Think, barring the basing, I'm 1 or 2 sessions away from completing.
#MiniatureGaming #Wargaming #MiniPainting #MiniaturePainting #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingMinis @warhammercommunity
Finally managed to catch up with my old gaming mate for a #bloodbowl Sevens game. A game away from kids for a change!
My #CanberraRaiders themed Norse vs his Dwarves. It was an engrossing slug match.
Both teams were evenly matched, although those Dwarves are very hearty & difficult to injure. Hardly any passing. A lot of fumbles and trips
Game was tied 1 pt each.
I’ve forgotten how much I love BB. It’s a perfect blend of tactics and randomness.
#Hobbystreak days 928-9
Worked on a character for #RangersOfShadowdeep to play with a few colleagues.
Chose an Encarnoth Delver as a character archetype and I've done my best not to build anything that would be super OP
The young one and me started our first game of Gaslands (the old edition). We play without weapons, we just wanna race.
After a strong start we already have two slides with collisions because we recklessly shifted gears up. We'll continue racing after lunch.
Does anybody know how the newer refuelled edition is better than the older one?
I painted these six 15 mm guys yesterday, mainly speedpaints and few highlights. I made them Turan archers, inspiration taken from Conan Exiles.
Here's the inspiration: https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/018/800/000/large/oda-kristine-sandaker-turan-medium-front.jpg?1560784459
Zombie survival game for the last day of the term. I have bunch of Last Night on Earth figures from the boardgame. The human team managed to take out a few zombies but ultimately the undead were victorious. A fun game to round out the year. #Tabletop #FistfulofLead #miniaturegaming
#hobbystreak 768
They look less nunny now. Now to see if my purple and blue inks are transparent enough!
Last #lunchtimewargame of the year. The students have finished painting and basing their Orcs! We had nine finished figures on the table. The students couldn’t believe it when I said they could keep their Orcs and take them home. Next week there will be three longer sessions for me to run so I’m going to be exhausted. Todays game was a 10 player #FistfulofLead loot n’ scoot. Very noisy, lots of fun, and a three way tie for the honours. #Tabletop #Wargaming #miniaturepainting #miniaturegaming
I owe you #HobbyStreak days 731, 732, 733
Mixed bag. Went to school Warhammer alliance again and helped some kids to paint. Built some more #Mordheim. Played a game of #BloodBowl with my buddy KH who had such bad luck and suffers from such a skill gap with me it must be depressing for him. Experimented with cheap filler and a texture roller and got it on crisps tube relatively well, on crafting paper less so (warps AF).
#hobbystreak day 728
I spent some time learning how to operate the laser cutters at work
It's fucking awesome. To a semi luddite to me it feels almost godlike to be able to draw something and then have a little light cut out all of that. That power at my fingertips! *Incoherent ramblings*
Anyway I've put most of the work into one already.
Something different today for my student #tabletop #Wargaming #miniaturegaming #wargames group. About 15 students turned up to make some figures, something they’ve been asking about all year. Most of the students decided to assemble these old #warhammer orcs, although a few chose some Perry War of the Roses archers…and of course, some animals. Today’s session was - I have no other way to describe it - wildly popular and successful. The kids were buzzing.
My 1/72 Italeri Crusaders complete. It’s been a labour of love…next up, more basing for these pre-painted Italeri ‘Knights’. I have more than enough figures for #wargaming #miniaturegaming #historicalgaming but it’s a scheduling drama now. I’m too busy, as are all of my regular opponents. I may have to drag the figures along to school for some gaming. Not quite scratching that gaming itch, but still good fun, and all my toys are destined for the table anyway. #Tabletop #miniatures