There’s an ongoing joke about how, if the surrealists had been born in Mexico, they would have been considered realists. I’m here to tell you, it is not a joke but an anecdote. As proof, allow me to present to you exhibit A: the picture G just sent me from her commute back home
NYT Architecture : Marina Abramovic, Luis Barragán y una cuadra de caballos #MexicoCity(Mexico) #Abramovic,Marina #PerformanceArt #Barragan,Luis #Architecture #Museums #Art
NYT Architecture : At This Architectural Gem, an Artist Was Present. Horses, Too. #7DeathsofMariaCallas(Play) #TheArtistisPresent(Play) #MexicoCity(Mexico) #Abramovic,Marina #PerformanceArt #Barragan,Luis #TheHero(Play) #Architecture #Museums #Art