In #Mac #OS9 you could drag a window to the bottom of the screen and it would create a tab with the window title. You could then click it to expand and contract the window. Does anyone know of an extension that will do the same on #OSX? Yes I know the #Dock and it is easily one of the worst things about OSX.
#Apple #Macintosh
Happy 74th birthday, Bill Atkinson! Thanks for making tools that changed the world. We hope to hear about your recovery.
i love this icon for 68040 cpus, do you know another morotola related logos ? #MARCHintosh #macintosh
awesome: Beastie/Leon McNeill just open sourced their Ultima III colour Macintosh port, all written in Think C!
This is the "Lairware" version that was sold at, and received many updates over the years - eventually gaining OS X/Intel 32-bit support. The source appears to be an Xcode project with a mix of think C and cocoa.
great job, Leon!
Monitor upgrade time!
This screen is an absolute embarrassment sitting next to the mighty Quadra 700. I need to replace it with something that at least doesn’t make me cringe every time I look at it.
The catch? It must be an LCD—I just don’t have the space (or back strength) for a proper CRT. Any suggestions from the display connoisseurs out there?
Mac SE/30 with amber CRT swap
Got my BlueSCSI from @onegeekarmy today! Really happy with it. I can’t use it right now (the Mac is disassembled waiting for a cleaning session), but will soon. #macplus #retrocomputing #bluescsi #macintosh