Fantasy console update: Just added & polished some more of these examples from last year and you can play with them here:
- Press `1` - `6` to select/launch/reset any of the examples
- Press `Space` to download screenshot
- Apart from the raster bars and lissajous curve all other demos can be interacted with via mouse
- Open the browser console to see the (already transpiled) source code of all examples
Example #1: Scribble & color cycling
Hold down left mouse button to cycle the colors (the current palette is also always shown in bottom-left corner). Nice, powerful oldskool effect, which is actually easier to do with these indexed, non-RGB pixel buffers[1]
Example #2: Lissajous bobs
The spheres are actually 2x2 tiles of 8x8 pixel sprites with one color slot chosen as transparency. Drawing 100 spheres here, but could be a lot more...
Example #3: Raster bars
This oldskool effect is achieved via HSYNC interrupts only, i.e. no lines are being drawn — for every single pixel row we simply change the color value of the first palette entry. The text is also only being drawn once, at startup...
Example #4: Particle system
Simple particle system (2k particles) with the emitter position linked to the mouse. 6% probability for larger particles.
Example #5: Random pattern
Classic oldskool generative art, here by defining 4 custom bitmap font characters and then drawing a single randomly chosen char per frame
Example #6: Bitmap font editor
Select a character on the RHS to edit in the left box. Left click to set a pixel, right click to clear it. Press `Delete` to clear the char entirely. The system supports proportional width fonts and the little red triangle can be moved horizontally to adjust the width of each char... Clicking on the `Save` button will download a JSON file of the font's binary data (9 bytes per char: width + 8 data bytes)