A Leptocephalus - They are a larval stage in an eels life cycle. This one seems to be of a Conger eel.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A Leptocephalus - They are a larval stage in an eels life cycle. This one seems to be of a Conger eel.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A teeny tiny Goniatite fossil. You can see the spaces where its gas filled flotation chambers would have been.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A "Leptocephalus" - this is a larval stage in the life cycle of an eel.
I'm not sure what species of eel this is - European freshwater eel (Anguilla anguilla) or a Conger (Conger conger). It's the first time I've seen one and for some reason had assumed they were much smaller.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
Fiadh at the Cliffs of Moher enjoying the bright Spring spell we've been having.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A pretty wee pebble - with a lovely mix of patterns and colours.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A Toad crab (Hyas coarctatus).
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
The outline of flotation chambers in a partial goniatite shell fossil.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
View from the base.
At the bottom of a Cliffs of Moher Waterfall.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A seaweed explosion in a lowtide rockpool.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A Granite ball - likely dropped here by glaciers at the end of the last iceage over 15,000 years ago and shaped by Atlantic waves since then.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
Goniatite fossil in a dark shale teardrop.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
Evening sun hovering over Crab Island before it drops below the horizon for the night.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
Low sun and light showers making rainbows while Fiadh and myself stick to the shadows.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
Banded Wedge shell (Donax vittatus) or Bean clams. Pretty little bivalves that range from yellow to purple in colour. A favourite food for seabirds along the waters edge.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A Banded Wedge shell (Donax vittatus) meteor shower
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
Common Frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles developing in bog and quarry pools all over the place at the moment. If you look closely you can see a few that still have their external gills showing.
Wee cuties
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A Goniatite fossil, encased in shale and worn down by Atlantic waves to reveal this lovely cross section .
A spiral staircase winding its way down to a distant past.
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
Taking a pic of Fiadh but she was captivated by the Cliffs. Can't really blame her
County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
A live Sea potato/Heart urchin (Echinocardium cordatum) with its spines (hairs) all intact, including its Mohawk!!
Cormacscoast.com walking tours
The Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland.
Cormacscoast.com walking tours