thanks to many of your very inspiring hypercard stories and stacks, i finally tracked down a copy of v1 in its original box
my immediate impression is that apple's ambivalence toward the software is apparent all over the box. marketing/executives just didn't understand *what* hypercard was, and they didn't know how to sell it on its merits.
is it a "personal toolkit for information"? an "information manager"? what the heck could that possibly mean to anyone in 1987?
thank the sweet lord jebus bill atkinson pushed so hard to get hypercard packed in to every macintosh sold, because if this box was supposed to sell the product, it wouldn't have sold anything.
that being said - i love this box design. it's pleasantly understated in the off-white styling of 1987 apple products. that style would disappear for over a decade, before getting resurrected (in a much more visually striking manner) with OS X and Aqua.