Today in Labor History March 6, 1930: 100,000 people demonstrated for jobs in New York City. Demonstrations by unemployed workers, demanding unemployment insurance, occurred in virtually every major U.S. city. In New York, police attacked a crowd of 35,000. In Cleveland, 10,000 people battled police. In Detroit, the Communist Party organized an underemployment demonstration. Over 50,000 people showed up. Thousands took to the streets in Toledo, Flint and Pontiac. These demonstrations led to the creation of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), sponsored by Republican congressman Hamilton Fish, with the support of the American Federation of Labor, to investigate and quash radical activities.
Random Old Comic: Something I Read On The Internet 20 Years Ago Something I Read On The Internet 20 Years Ago #Bazooka #CobraCommander #CrystalBall #Flint #GIJoe #LadyJaye #PsycheOut #Tigatron #Transformers
Today in Labor History February 11, 1937: General Motors recognized the United Auto Workers (UAW) following a 44-day sit-down strike in Flint, Michigan, involving 48,000 GM workers. Two months later, company guards beat up UAW leaders at the River Rouge, Michigan plant. On January 11, police armed with guns and tear gas tried to storm the plant. Strikers repeatedly repelled them by throwing hinges, bottles and bolts at them. Fourteen strikers were injured by police gunfire during the strike.
Bobcats, Flint and Nabisco, are just hanging out watching the new interns in training. အနီရောင် နဂါး | Minecraft Hardcore Ep 3 #flint #FlintMyanmarMinecraftYoutuber #gaming #GamingMyanmar #GoofyMonkeFlint #Minecraft #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftMonkey #MinecraftMyanmar #MinecraftMyanmarHardcore' #MinecraftMyanmarPlayerCommunity #MinecraftMyanmarYoutubers #MinecraftVideos #MinecraftWukongMyanmar #monkey #MonkeyMinecraft #MyanmarCrafter #MyeikMinecraftYoutuber #TheLastKingdom #VocadeCraft #VocadeMyanmar #WukongMyanmar #youtube
[Personal] Flint Reference
Pokémon detected! Pokémon detected!
It's Flint! It's Flint!
Introducing the cheerful leader of my Pokémon Mystery Dungeon world's guild, Flint! (Guild name still to be decided!)
Today in Labor History January 11, 1937: Police tried to raid the Fisher Body plant during the Flint Sit-Down Strike against General Motors. Workers threw hinges, bottles and bolts at the cops, effectively holding them off. However, the cops injured 14 strikers with gunfire. They had been occupying the plant for nearly two weeks. And they would continue their sit-down strike until February 11. They won a 5% raise and the UAW signed up 100,000 members in the wake of the strike.
Today in Labor History December 30, 1936: Auto workers began their historic sit-down strike at the GM Fisher plant in Flint, Michigan. The protest effectively changed the United Automobile Workers (UAW) from a collection of small local unions into a major national labor union. It also led to the unionization of the domestic automobile industry. By occupying the plant, they prevented management from bringing in scabs and keeping the plant running and making money. Furthermore, by occupying the plant, they weren’t forced to picked outside in the snow. On January 11, police armed with guns and tear gas tried to storm the plant. Strikers repeatedly repelled them by throwing hinges, bottles and bolts at them. Fourteen strikers were injured by police gunfire during the strike. In February, GM got an injunction against the union by Judge Edward Black, who owned over three thousand shares of GM. The strikers ignored the injunction. And when the UAW found out about the conflict of interests, they got the judge disbarred. The strike ended after 44 days with GM recognizing the union and giving its workers a 5% raise. Filmmaker Michael Moore’s uncle participated in the strike. The first documented sit-down strike in the U.S. occurred when the IWW engaged in a sit-down strike against General Electric, in Schenectady, NY, in 1909.
Good morning, friends! Bobcats, Flint and Nabisco, are separated just before breakfast and remain apart until they finish their meal. Once all the breakfast is gone, the door is opened, and the two best friends spend some time together before they wander off to do their own things.
I found this guy making a "nether portal" charming.
My biggest complaint/disappointment with the movie (#Fahrenheit119) was that #MichaelMoore spent very little time actually talking about T****, and half the movie on MI Gov Rick Snyder and the #Flint Water Crisis.
And except for a brief mention at the start, he mostly ignored how #Russian meddling was responsible for getting #TheOrangeMenace elected.)
He played his greatest hits tonight.
#trump #flint #michigan #Election2024
Desperate for Black votes?
Has anyone told him that the Flint water crisis happened when HE was president?
#trump #michigan #Election2024 #blackmastodon #flint
Trump is visiting Long Island next week. Nassau County. In his element.
Then,he plans to have another bogus "town hall" in Michigan.
This time in Flint,of all places. Where the population STILL doesn't have clean water. Where the population is 90% Black.
Uh-huh. Trying to woo Black voters again.
IIRC,the Flint water crisis started during Trump's presidency.
Let's see which Black church gets paid off for this shit.
26 min
What happens when oligarchs rule. People should have a listen or find the book. What happened to Flint is an ongoing crime against humanity. The people involved get life for it.
Thousands of towns in America are doing the same thing to their water supply because they are broke. The rich are waging a war of extermination upon the us which they profit from.