@maxthefox I guess the only option I'd know is take a release version of Windows 10 and install/prepare it inside a VM with drivers/guest additions yourself.
Okay, there is one: The #Microsoft-provided #development #VM|s...
Every fraction of a degree matters.
Rising temperatures put marine life and coastal ecosystems at risk of irreversible loss.
Urgent #ClimateAction is needed to #SaveOurOcean.
i like to think of #LLM as a kind of sales department -
they will say some useful things, some nonsense, some bullshit which has some accidental overlap with reality, some that doesn't -
all to be successful.
useful for some things - you just want to keep them well out of
#research, #development, #science ...
(and your #mind, for that matter ..)
→ The High Heel Problem
“Different character body sizes mean a lot of extra work for game developers. […] But even if all characters have the same height, different shoes can influence the height of a character as well!” “This article looks at how different types of shoes can affect game development and examines how games deal with this in practice.”
From #NotesOnGrowth: "Britain’s system of nature protection is the worst of both worlds. It makes building infrastructure and housing slower and more expensive than it ought to be. And it does a crap job of protecting nature: many of our key biodiversity indicators are flashing red." https://www.samdumitriu.com/p/have-we-solved-the-bat-tunnel-problem #uk #environment #development #planning
Parliement panel
Then there would be the parliement where you would discuss and vote the laws proposed by other players.
Here is what it looks like for the moment, you can tell me what you think about it !
Law panel
The goal of the game would be to propose laws that would affect the country.
Here is a sample of how it would look like, i'm open for your ideas !
Registration is open for #bsdcan, program published - see the blog post at https://blog.bsdcan.org/2025/03/18/bsdcan-2025-talks-tutorials-and-registration/ for details, or go to https://bsdcan.org (direct to registration link: https://indico.bsdcan.org/event/5/registrations/8/) #bsd #unix #openbsd #freebsd #netbsd #development #devops #sysadmin #freesoftware #libresoftware
Our intelegense seems to be in decline…
[2023] How OpenBSD’s malloc helps the developer - Otto Moerbeek
Perhaps the most globally applicable astute observation ever made in documentation.
"Setting these properties on a child item causes a conflict of interest, and the result is undefined. "
#Software & #Child #Development #GameDev #Coding #Documentation
"Sometimes the future kicks you into tomorrow faster than you expected!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Let's talk about the rise of humanoid robots in 2025.
I told my wife the other day that within 5 years, I'm probably going to be bringing one into our home. She is not amused. Such is the life of living with a futurist! The image in today's inspiration is of the Unitree G1, a robot from one of one of the hottest start-ups in China. They purport to offer the robot for sale on their Website for about USD 16,000, and given the pace of change, buying one for a few thousand dollars sometime in the future might not be farfetched.
You can't use your credit card to buy it directly online yet, but if you like, you can buy its counterpart, the Unitree Go2, for about USD 2,800. Enter your credit card, provide shipping details, and the fun begins!
Such is the state of the humanoid robotic industry in 2025. Suffice it to say, it's moving fast.
As with any development in the hype-driven technology industry, you have to take all of this with a bit of a grain of salt, but suffice it to say, things are happening.
I'll admit I've long been a skeptic of developments in this particular aspect of robotics - it's always seemed a little too close to science fiction to be real. And yet, things are evolving quickly. Yet I shared this slide the other day at an event where I was speaking about the future of healthcare, and the crazy idea that we might one day see such devices emerge within the industry.
Essentially, four key trends are coming together all at once. First, there is a LOT of venture capital money flowing into the industry. With that, we are starting to see the typical cost reduction curve we see with any new technology. Third, there's a lot of development with software and technology occurring out in the open-source community, and that type of collaboration always drives the future forward faster. Finally, one of the most fascinating trends has to do with the arrival of digital training tools - essentially, software that allows you to train your robot to do what you want it to do (such as the often-used example of washing the dishes.)
Many are comparing this to a "ChatGPT moment" for robotics, with a potential turning point coming by 2027 or the late 2020s.
Read more!
**#Robotics** **#Humanoid** **#Innovation** **#Technology** **#Future** **#Investment** **#Automation** **#AI** **#Development** **#Transformation**
Thinking about giving a talk at PyCon UK 2025 but never spoken publicly before? Or maybe you have, but a little encouragement wouldn’t go amiss?
We’ve got you!
Check out our latest blog post, jam-packed with tips, advice, resources & inspiration to help get you started https://2025.pyconuk.org/2025/03/encouraging-new-speakers/
#MiddletownCT residents rally to save 25-year-old #CommunityGarden from becoming a development
Story by Cassandra Day, March 12, 2025
"About two dozen people are encouraging the city to purchase the North End Ferry Street community garden as an alternative to the property owner selling it for development.
The garden, first established in 1999, has not only been a place for people to learn to grow and maintain a plot, but offers educational opportunities for residents, including youth.
"A number of people spoke out during a recent Economic Development Committee meeting about its vital importance to this 'underserved' area of Middletown. Fifteen people emailed the city on the matter, all signing their names to the same letter appealing to the committee.
"The #FerryStreetGarden has 'undergone several periods of disinvestment in the last few years,' the letter said, and now faces the 'ultimate threat of impending development.'
"The Chrysalis Center Real Estate Corp., which owns the land, has received offers from entities to purchase the plot, but nothing in writing, according to CEO Sharon Castelli.
"She is willing to negotiate a price with the city so residents can use the property, Castelli added.
"'We are very community-minded and have housing in the area, so having a place for people to grow vegetables would be a great use,' she said.
"The city would need about $50,000 to buy the land, the letter said, and there is an opportunity to apply for a state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Urban Green and Community Garden grant for the project.
"Wesleyan University student Rowan Roudebush, who created a short video about the garden, has maintained a plot there for about a year.
"'Kids have been learning to grow food and have been building community through that garden for decades,' said Roudebush, who spoke about the North End being considered a '#FoodDesert.'"
"'It's in an area where, if you don't have access to a car, it's near impossible to get affordable groceries,' they added."
Read more:
#CommunityGardens #Development #FoodSecurity #FoodSovereignty #Connecticut
https://www.europesays.com/1913182/ Why it helps the environment but hurts people, property #carolinas #ClimateChange #Development #ecosystems #Environment #property #risk #wildfire
#Business #Findings
AI search engines are wrong too often · Study results on ChatGPT, CoPilot, Gemini, Perplexity, etc https://ilo.im/162r17
#Study #AI #SearchEngine #Design #ProductDesign #UxDesign #UiDesign #WebDesign #Development #WebDev
N.S. doctor's donation of land paves way for 150 affordable homes
When Amy Hendricks and her husband, Paul Davie, purchased a large piece of land on the outskirts of Antigonish, N.S., two years ago, they envisioned what could be possible for their town.
#housing #donation #development #community #Antigonish #News
@bsletten I’m mentoring my kid. He wants to become a professional software developer and quickly learning that it’s not just about “coding.” Also, it’s teaching me new things along the way.
#software #development #teaching #learning
Coding is like taking a lump of clay and slowly working it into the thing you want it to become. It is this process, and your intimacy with the medium and the materials you’re shaping, that teaches you about what you’re making – its qualities, tolerances, and limits – even as you make it. You know the least about what you’re making the moment before you actually start making it. That’s when you think you know what you want to make. The process, which is an iterative one, is what leads you towards understanding what you actually want to make, whether you were aware of it or not at the beginning. Design is not merely about solving problems; it’s about discovering what the right problem to solve is and then solving it. Too often we fail not because we didn’t solve a problem well but because we solved the wrong problem.
When you skip the process of creation you trade the thing you could have learned to make for the simulacrum of the thing you thought you wanted to make. Being handed a baked and glazed artefact that approximates what you thought you wanted to make removes the very human element of discovery and learning that’s at the heart of any authentic practice of creation. Where you know everything about the thing you shaped into being from when it was just a lump of clay, you know nothing about the image of the thing you received for your penny from the vending machine.