Boeing asks Trump admin to weaken penalties in 737 Max crash case
Boeing plea deal opposed by victims' families might be made even weaker.

Boeing asks Trump admin to weaken penalties in 737 Max crash case
Boeing plea deal opposed by victims' families might be made even weaker.
Ouch! (pilots appear to have survived)
BBC: Two aircraft from the French display team Patrouille de France have crashed in rehearsals.
The Aurora Sentinel: Police: Man killed after crashing Tesla at 97 mph into cars in east Aurora #tesla #death #crash
“How a war with Iran (for Israel) could crash the US economy”
by Shivan Mahendrarajah in The Cradle
“As Trump eyes war with Iran to bolster his legacy and appease his pro-Israel backers, Tehran’s likely retaliation could crash global markets, spike oil prices, and bring economic pain directly to the American public – turning support for apocalyptic politics into a crisis at the checkout line”
ABC10: At least 2 injured after Tesla crashes into Kaiser's DOCO medical offices
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Two Kaiser staff members were injured Monday morning after a Tesla crashed into the Downtown Commons medical offices.
According to the Sacramento Police Department, the crash happened around 9:15 a.m. A Tesla crashed into the building at 5th and J streets....
Can I get a "trust, but verify?"
Wall Street should have known better than to trust Donald Trump
if you deny that being a billionaire in the most dominating country in the world isnt the definition of "living in good times" i guess you are any less able to conclude who the weak man is, and where things are heading.
American stocks since the presidential election
#StockMarket #Crash
“…Trump is doubling down on the policies that are crashing the economy.”
—Heather Cox Richardson, March 11, 2025
#trump #usa #economy #crash
In einem Foren-Post von 2008 schreibt der #Crash-Pilot:
"Heute lebe ich in Seattle und arbeite als Program Manager für Boeing"
ALS PROGRAM MANAGER FÜR BOEING!!! Das hat er 2008 geschrieben. Mit dem Wissen von heute denke ich mir: Holy Crap! #Boeing sind doch die #Flugzeuge und Flugzeugteile, die vom Himmel fallen. Berichten zufolge soll es bei Boeing in der Vergangenheit einige Fehlentscheidungen im Management gegeben haben.
Is Elon Regulating His Own Rockets Now?
"One of Elon Musk’s #Starship rockets exploded over the #GulfOfMexico early yesterday evening, creating a spectacular #fireworks -like display and disrupting commercial air traffic...
#Musk had claimed repeatedly that he was over-regulated by the #FAA, especially after the agency fined #SpaceX $633,000 for launching rockets with unapproved changes."
Musk’s Cultish Business Empire May Be Starting to Crack
"his wealth is largely thanks to a financial #cult, one in which legions of dazzled investor-followers have enabled him to launch an ever-growing list of disparate initiatives & provided immunity from critics who question his operational decision-making, his corporate governance, his obscene pay packages, & now his migration into the political sphere."
A secret?
What if I told you #Democrats wanted no part of the coming #UnitedStates #boomer #depression.
Many long term #investment strategists predict a major depression towards the end of this decade.
What if I told you #Republicans will fail to prevent what is coming and #Democrats wanted no part of the crash? 2025-2027.
From The New Yorker-
#Tariffs #Trump #WileECoyote #Crash #Boom
CBC: Tesla driver arrested for allegedly fleeing scene of deadly collision on Pattullo Bridge 3/6/25
"Supreme Court lawsuit claims driver of Tesla fled the scene where 3 people died in crash with semi-truck
According to a notice of civil claim filed in B.C. Supreme Court Wednesday, the Tesla driver fled the scene after either "racing with, or in the alternative travelling with, a Nissan Altima" that slammed into the truck in the southbound lanes of the east end of the Pattullo on Valentine's Day.... The court documents say the young man was arrested last week and his car — a 2022 Tesla Y model — has been impounded."