To be honest, I tried for a whole week to gather my thoughts to write a post about professional burnout. But I'm so burnt out that I don't even have the strength to start writing... #burnout #exhaustion #stressmanagement
To be honest, I tried for a whole week to gather my thoughts to write a post about professional burnout. But I'm so burnt out that I don't even have the strength to start writing... #burnout #exhaustion #stressmanagement
"Wanderstop" ist ein ungewöhnliches Spiel: Burnout und mentale Gesundheit sind schon mal harte Themen, aber das Spiel fragt uns Spielende darüber hinaus, warum wir überhaupt spielen. Antworten finden müssen wir aber selbst.
#videogames #computerspiele #wanderstop #burnout
Crunch - Traum und #Albtraum in der Gaming-Industrie
Milliarden Menschen spielen #Videospiele – doch hinter den Kulissen herrschen extreme Arbeitsbedingungen: Systematische #Ausbeutung, massenhafte #Burnout's und sexuelle Übergriffe gehören zum Alltag. Der Dokumentarfilm #Crunch enthüllt die dunkle Seite der #Gaming-#Industrie und erzählt die Geschichte von #Menschen, die für ihren #Traumjob alles gegeben haben und daran zerbrochen sind.
I've seen a lot of posts from people talking about #burnout and advertising ‘small pleasures’ as medicine. Unfortunately, the word burnout is used lightly for any kind of #exhaustion.
If you have a *real* burnout, this hole of exhaustion where nothing works anymore (even not your brain), please seek professional help, not gurus. The sooner you find it, the sooner you can recognise your own behavioural patterns and get real therapy. You can't sip away a burnout with a cup of tea.
What level of #burnout is it if, upon being asked what your dream job is, you immediately jump to bartender and/or barista?
I've never done either of those professionally, but the idea of doing a job and not having to dwell on the big picture, long-term impacts, etc. sounds amazing right now.
How many bartenders get roped into quarterly planning? How many baristas spend half their day writing Jira tickets?
Sadly, bartenders don't make anywhere near what staff+ software engineers do…
a post in which I practice public vulnerability and saying "eff youuu" to shame.
#mentalhealth #burnout #blog #personalwebsite
#ScribesAndMakers 3/18 What would your best creative life look like if you stretch beyond realistic, but still keep it plausible?
Hahaha, oh, I wish I could have beyond be plausible. Literally just happened. Nearly a decade of #burnout #freeze had flattened writing. I barely did any.
Some healing cleared it. I spent days in #hyperfocus then couldn’t sleep. A few days of tired mush, and back to #fatigue now with some writing. So idk, cos not that.
"We are not gods, but tinder.
We turn the world, but in doing so, we burn."
These Hearts, Who Once Held Up the Sky, my latest short story, about burnout, managed collapse and finding a road forward together.
Read it here:
I don’t know if it’s my age or just the general shitty state of the world around me, but I’ve been struggling to get enough rest these days to function optimally. The amounts of work that I would normally find OK (or even pleasant) has shrunk down significantly. I need more rest, more distraction, more entertainment to get through the day.
I think a lot of it comes down to stress. I’m stressed more and longer each day than I used to be. And dealing with stress means getting away from the routine and having some do-nothing downtime. And the more stress I get, the more intentional downtime I need.
Unbeknownst to me, I think I’ve allowed my “max stress” alarm level to be set at higher and higher levels over time. I need to reset that index back downward for my health.
The team then ran the model to estimate the resulting cost of employee productivity losses to employers. It found a nonmanagerial hourly worker going through burnout would cost an employer on average $3,999.
That average cost rose to $4,257 for a nonmanagerial salaried worker, $10,824 for a manager, and $20,683 for an executive.
79 Warning Signs of Autistic Burnout
I'm struggling in the comfortable but bone weary state I think might be healing, but it's hard to relax into, because survival.
I continue to yearn for something like long covid recovery homes.
I think things would shift for a lot of people if they could just get a chance to rest deeply and be well nourished for a few months in a row.
How Wild Horses Helped a Photographer Rediscover Her Voice #scottishhighlands #Inspiration #katjajensen #Spotlight #highlands #wildhorse #portugal #scotland #wildlife #burnout #canonr5 #equine #horses #horse
Ob #proten #snacken #sabbeln #spreken of #muffeln, de Hauptsaak is: Draag dien Hart jümmers op de Tung
Regen in'n Kopp ️
Ein wunderbares (Kinder) #Buch von #OveThomsen über #Burnout und #Depression auf #plattdeutsch. Gibt's auch als #Hörspiel bei #Spotify und Co
#Burnout #Songwriting No More Songwriter Burn-out – MY SONG COACH
The Bros are live with more Burnout 3: Takedown. Come hang out with us as we act stupid and play good games #PS2 #EA #Burnout #Burnout3 #racing #gaming #MondayGaming #TBGN
The Bros are live with more Burnout 3: Takedown. Come hang out with us as we act stupid and play good games #PS2 #EA #Burnout #Burnout3 #racing #gaming #SundayGaming #TBGN
Most of today's big tasks of the fairly enjoyable type (updating a few days of trackers & diary entries & drawing up next month's pages) have not happened. Just nothing in the tank so instead of doing at least one before supper I'm rewarding my failure today / boosting my morale for tomorrow with a movie & maybe some snacks.
I made the mistake of thinking I'd found some spoons but doing the washing up, reading, mastodoning & The Phone Call, cleaned me out.
The Bros are live with more Burnout 3: Takedown. Come hang out with us as we act stupid and play good games #PS2 #EA #Burnout #Burnout3 #racing #gaming #SaturdayGaming #TBGN
Feeling this so much