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A community for live music fans with roots in the jam scene. Shakedown Social is run by a team of volunteers (led by @clifff and @sethadam1) and funded by donations.

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Mal so in Blaue hinaus gefragt: Würde mir jemand von euch (nicht männlich) ein Portraitfoto als Referenz zur Verfügung stellen für mein übernächstes Aquarell-Projekt? Würde die Referenz künstlerisch verändern, würde also nicht ein möglichst fotogetreues Bild malen, sondern was „Neues“ daraus machen (vermutlich im Fantasy-Style). Das gemalte Bild werde ich auf diversen Kanälen teilen. #boostswelcome

Heinzi ist ein zutraulicher und höflicher Hundemann.
Hat schlechten Stand in seinem Kennel, kommt nicht ans Wasser und hat Geschwulst an der Schnauze.
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #FostersSaveLives
#pflegestellen #adoptdontshop #prodogromania #notfellchen #hundemenschengegenrechts
#boostswelcome #sorgenkind
#Hund und #herzstatthetze #heinzi #großehunde #schmusebär

❣️ TADZIO ❣️
Wir denken, er geht mit euch durch dick und dünn, liebt, kuschelt und begleitet euch bei jedem Abenteuer. TADZIO ist einfach ein Schatz und sitzt auf mit viel Liebe und Fröhlichkeit gepackten Köfferchen.



#dogs #dogsofmastodon #pflegestellen #adoptdontshop #prodogromania #hundemenschengegenrechts
#boostswelcome #tadzio #traumhund #besterfreund
#Hund und #herzstatthetze

I hate capitalism

I would have all the supplies i need for a stable living situation if money wasn't in the way

I lack:
Pneumatic springs for the side solar panels on the bus to prop up solar panels while being wind and weather resistant
Magnets for the side solar panels on the bus
Ubolts for bus suspension
More 12v batteries for more stable power at night (need atleast 2 more for now)
Replacement connectors for escooter
Materials to rebuild the bus into a more livable place (replacement of ceiling, materials for lab/office, materials for kitchen and bathroom, Insulation for inside of bus)
Insulation and heat shielding for 100 gal water tank as well as tank heaters for cold months

Tire change for bus as the retreads are prone to coming off at any point

I will need as much as possible as building it out is intense in every way in this realm

And ill need this boosted everywhere if yall are able to

The bus is also planned to be used for rescuing trans/otherkin/minorities in need in the us but also for vulpine labs work (nonprofit) or emergency ev (nontesla) charging

Deleting and redrafting to repopup on hashtags but we are in critical need

Unsere freundliche und ruhige Omi soll unbedingt nochmal in einem ruhigen Zuhause in einem weichen Körbchen liegen dürfen. Sie ist immer noch gut drauf und topfit. Was sie dringend braucht ist Ruhe.
#dogs #dogsofmastodon
#pflegestellen #adoptdontshop #prodogromania #notfellchen #hundemenschengegenrechts
#boostswelcome #sorgenkind
#Hund und #herzstatthetze #alexis #alteHunde #oldiesbutgoldies

❣️ OWEN ❣️
Dieser kleine Schatz lebte mal auf einer Pflegestelle in Rumänien und versteht so gar nicht, warum er nun im Shelter sitzt.
Wirkt zunehmend resigniert. Braucht dringend wieder ein Zuhause.
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #FostersSaveLives
#pflegestellen #adoptdontshop #prodogromania #notfellchen #hundemenschengegenrechts
#boostswelcome #owen #sorgenkind
#Hund und #herzstatthetze #kleinehunde

Crowd-sourcing this odd but interesting question:

If you were going to use an air cannon to shoot a payload of seeds, which you wanted to remain fairly concentrated and not shoot out in a short-range spray, how would you do that?

Say, suppose I were looking to plant some seeds at a distance. I don't want a shotgun spray, I want something more like a flechette artillery round but filled with seeds. But with an air cannon, and not a particularly long distance. 50 yards maybe?

It seems like you'd want some kind of arrangement akin to a buckshot round, maybe, but I'm not sure whether the power required to separate the shot from its casing would be too much to use an air cannon (or even better, a PVC-pipe potato gun). Seed also weighs a lot less than buckshot so getting it to go any kind of distance might be difficult. So maybe instead of a shotgun round metaphor, one would want a biodegradable sabot of sorts, but one which would remain intact for long enough to deliver the seed.

Which makes me wonder if stuffing seeds into a potato and firing it via potato gun would work.

Anyway, thoughts. I'd love it if you have experience actually doing something like this, but I'll happily accept hypothetical thoughts as well.

And as an added question, if you were going to seed lawn with something, what plant would you pick which was the most annoying?

Fine, I want to sabotage golf courses. That's why I'm asking.

What would you plant on golf courses which would be the most damaging? My personal preference would be for trumpeter vine because I have an infestation of that, but I suspect lawn-care specialists could handle that. Poison ivy seeds are hard to come by and you can target it with Roundup. Thoughts?

... und nun dürfen nicht mal mehr die Volontärinnen zu ihm, weil er momentan mit einem unberechenbaren Hund zusammen sitzt.
Eine Traumhund, der dringend, sehr dringend auf Bewerbungen wartet.
#dogs #dogsofmastodon
#pflegestellen #adoptdontshop #prodogromania #notfellchen #hundemenschengegenrechts
#boostswelcome #falco #sorgenkind
#Hund und #herzstatthetze #traumhund