Here comes Butch Tiger! When the new interns first arrived, this sill boy had a great time trying to scare them. He is a very feisty boy
Here comes Butch Tiger! When the new interns first arrived, this sill boy had a great time trying to scare them. He is a very feisty boy
A Boy and His Barrel - Chuff Tiger enjoys all his toys, but his barrels are his favorites.
Handsome Vostok is thinking about going for another swim. #AmurTigers #Tigers #BigCats #Caturday #NationalZoo #CatsOfMastodon
Aurora Tiger and one of her favorite toys, a green Tipsy Tom.
Good Morning, Friends! Glacier Tiger enjoys a morning stroll, chuff, and head rub.
Tiger Jasmine 2 loves playing in the snow. THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to our Heating Up campaign to help keep the animals' dens heated. The matching funds will be available throughout April.
Detroit Tiger enjoying a nice roll in the sunshine.
Here comes the white tigress, Aurora. Watch her move with such majestic grace.
CUTENESS OVERLOAD! Butch Tiger is about a year and a half old and is growing into quite a big boy. He can be shy but has a feisty side, too. He and his brother delight in trying to scare the new interns. How many of you know the name of his brother?
DOB: September 4, 2023
Did you know: Snow leopards have extra-large paws that act like snowshoes, preventing them from sinking into deep snow. Their long, thick tails help them balance on rocky terrain and keep them warm when wrapped around their bodies.
#funfact #photography #bigcat #bigcats #CatsOfMastodon #nikon
#snowleopard #wildlifeprotection #wildlifeconservation #cats
Even if a federal law now prohibits it, many big cats are still kept captive as exotic “pets” in the United States, in deplorable conditions.
#bigcats #exoticpets #pets #tigers #lions
The Keeping of Big Cats as “Pe...
Nové přírodopisné a paleo dokumenty z ledna a února 2025! Od letošního Winterwatch po Dobu ledovou: Apokalypsu, od Pozoruhodného světa s Jeffem Corwinem po Dinosauří ptáky, mám tu pro vás seznam všech!
#nature #documentary #news #wildlife #paleontology #documentaryfilm #tv #film #jeffcorwin #dinosaurs #iceage #stevebackshall #michaelastrachan #bigcats #lions #leopard #cheetah #conservation
New wildlife and paleo documentaries from January and February 2025! From this year's Winterwatch to Ice Age: Apocalypse, from Extraordinary World with Jeff Corwin to Dino Birds, I have them all here listed for you!
#nature #documentary #news #wildlife #paleontology #documentaryfilm #tv #film #jeffcorwin #dinosaurs #iceage #stevebackshall #michaelastrachan #bigcats #lions #leopard #cheetah #conservation
Aurora Tiger has a busy day planned, filled with patrolling, stalking, pouncing, playing with toys, chatting with keepers, and, of course, lots of catnapping.
Fun Fact:
Did you know? Tigers are the largest cat species in the world and are known for their distinctive striped coats, which act as camouflage in their natural habitats. No two tigers have the same stripe pattern, making each individual unique! They are apex predators, playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.
ATTENTION: Due to inclement weather, the Refuge will be closed from Tuesday, February 18th, through Friday, February 21st. Please book your experience with us accordingly and stay safe. Please visit for more ways to help during the cold.