Getter 3, SLDF Wayward Son, Super Robot Star.
This configuration is known for grabbing enemy mechs in its big, strong hands, then reversing one tread entirely and hammer throwing the enemy as far as it can possibly go.
Yes, Getter 1 will be next.
Getter 3, SLDF Wayward Son, Super Robot Star.
This configuration is known for grabbing enemy mechs in its big, strong hands, then reversing one tread entirely and hammer throwing the enemy as far as it can possibly go.
Yes, Getter 1 will be next.
The elementals are based and their bases have stripes. The front and back faces are all glossed and ready for applying 45 decals to finish things off.
The elementals didn't fit as nicely onto the bases as I'd hoped. I used one set from one base to make all of the indentations on all the bases and the paint also made their feet bigger, and their footprints smaller. Still, I got them in place.
Started on the stripes for the front face. The elementals have had an oil wash and the bases are speedpainted, shimmered, and edged. The frosty shimmer on the snow is a fine white mica flake mixed with matte varnish. I've applied it to the mech bases as well. It doesn't show too well in photos but in person it gives a nice shimmery sparkle that feels in scale.
After I finished off the ghost bear company, I put in a TON of work on base coating and some shading of Getter 3, because three hearts are better as one.
Ghost Bear Company, Jade Ghost Wolf Battalion, SLDF Wayward Son, just after fucking off from Nicky's dumbass bullshit.
Not taking full glamour shots, I don't have the fucks to give right now, needed to keep painting for my mental health. That makes one battalion of three done. The next battalion I think will use the Clan Wolverine logos.
Finishing up the ghost wolf battalion. I gave up on some of the prospective ponds in the swampy-ass battlefield and used them as low lying depressions instead. Possibly mech footprints.
The ghost bear and SLDF logos have already been placed, largely on left and right shoulders.
Why don't we have mecha yet? (Aside from spending our engineering budget on surveillance advertising instead of anything cool.)
Are mecha impractical? Why exactly, and is there really no niche where they might make sense? (Like lighter weight classes where feet sinking into the ground are less of a problem.)
Is there some crucial tech we haven't developed? What specific technologies are required that we don't have?
Getter 2, Super Robot Star, SLDF Wayward Son. The inner sphere wasn't researching shit. The clans were iterating on SLDF technology.
The Wayward Sons chose different. They chose Land-Air Mechs. They chose Land-Land Mechs. They chose THREE HEARTS AS ONE!
as I wait over and over again for water effeects to dry so I can get them to the level I want, I'm starting work on my new super robot recruits.
Getter 2, I hope you appreciate the amount of work that has gone into your goddamn massive white sections.
Here's a star from the mercenary company, Wolf's Dragoons. The Dragoons are not my favorite group, but I felt like painting something red, and I had the decals. :)
I added multiple barrels to the Hunchback's main gun to make it a Hunchback C. The rarely use a Hunchback, but the miniature is fun to paint, especially the legs with all those panels. At the other end of the painting spectrum is the Adder. Like most clan mechs of that style, it is very hard to get to the interior, especially the inside of the arms.
Mounted on their bases. Still need to do the decals and other details on the base edges. I can't find my masking tape so I need to get more to do the stripes on the front.
Tomorrow I need to ride my bicycle, then I can see about laying down some more ground paste here where holes open up, if necessary, adding basing details, and adding the SLDF logos. Then it'll be matte finish all over and gloss finish with a brush for spots I want shiny.
A new Library of Lore Adventures video just dropped! MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries Season 2 #13 - A Brief Interlude #gaming #battletech #mechwarrior
When the time comes, will the children of Nicholas Kerensky's madness be able to deal with... THE CHODENJI YOYO? CHODENJI TATSUMAKI?! CHODENJI SPIN!
Who's down to take their battlemechs up against the latest recruits to the SLDF Wayward Son?
I wasn't happy with the green bits so I glazed and edge highlighted with jade green. Then glossed, decals, more gloss, and then did an oil wash, unfortunately I didn't put enough varnish over the decals and wrecked some of them that I had to replace.
The oil wash was with Van Dyke Brown which turned out nicer than the mix of Lamp Black and Burnt Umber I used for the first batch.
Arnie Bellerose and Lisbeth Braun face off in Steiner Stadium for this Solaris VII battle report #BattleTech