STAYC -- Yoon
My STAYC bias.
" So here we go again - STAYC girls going down!"
Every Sunday I look back at the preceding week in kpop and pick out a music video or performance that I have particularly liked. This week I have chosen Yoon, J, Rei, and Liz-- Rock U (Orig. KARA).
Normally I am not so keen on chants, but what precedes and follows here is some wonderfully melodic writing from Sweetune, providing a context that makes that chanting quite winning. I love the production, and think all the girls’ voices work well together here; Yoon and J are always favourites of mine. For this stage, the school uniform look echoes without replicating the the KARA stages of long ago.
Where would Kpop be without school uniforms, especially the “Clueless” variant? There’s probably an article, or even a book, to be written on this topic.
#Kpop #KpopOfTheWeek #Yoon #J #Rei #Liz #RockU #KARA #Sweetune #GirlGroups #SchoolUniforms
Although “official” fancams, like the scripted adlibs of kpop, smack of the oxymoronic, they can nevertheless capture moments not to be seen on standard music show videos, such as the delightful fist bump shown at the opening of this “So Bad” stage:
I love seeing the gorgeous Yoon’s facial expressions all the way through what remains as one of the strongest debuts ever.
Finally that MAGA crook has been arrested.
Something the Yanks could never do.....
Maybe this is the year we finally tell the US to fuck off?
(Present company excluded of course)
On #ThisDayInHistory in 1987, linguistics student #ParkJongChul was waterboarded to death during a brutal interrogation aimed at a confession of activism against #SouthKorea's junta. The democratic struggle took him as a symbol, finally toppling the régime. Remember this, #Yoon.
“Rival camps protest in South Korea as authorities press for Yoon’s arrest
Prosecutors ask acting president to order security forces to comply with arrest warrant for impeached leader Yoon.”
South Korea’s impeached president defies warrant after hourslong standoff.
@AssociatedPress reports: "The country’s anti-corruption agency said it withdrew its investigators after the presidential security service blocked them from entering Yoon’s residence for hours, due to concerns about their safety."
#korea faces second insurrection as military unit prevent police from arresting #YoonSukyeol
A #Yoon defender holding an american flag said “I hope after Trump’s inauguration he can use his influence to help our country get back on the right track”
Rhetorical question: why do the military dictatorship people believe the #US supports them?
2 January 2025 #Reuters
#SouthKorea's #Yoon, facing unprecedented arrest over #martiallaw, vows to fight until end'
"A South Korean court issued an arrest and search warrant for President Yoon Suk Yeol on Tuesday over his short-lived imposition of martial law."
@abc reports:
The #korea special warfare command which was released by US army general John Adams Wickham (later promoted to chief of staff of US army) to Chun to attack #Gwangju is the same unit from which troops were deployed by #Yoon on Dec 5th #coup attempt
Chun himself was commander of defence intelligence command (DIC), like Roh Sang-Won who was instrumental in orchestrating Yoon's abortive coup
For election commission raid/abduction mission "each [soldier] was individually asked their opinion, in addition to what high school they graduated from and where in Korea they were from."
Almost nobody from Jeolla-do was picked. When asked if that was to exclude them (presumably due to loyalty doubts), whistleblower said yes.
Jeolla-do is home to the city of #gwangju, the site of US-backed massacre during previous coup and key point in democratization struggle
Allegations also now swirl that #Yoon intended to put tanks in the streets of #seoul
2nd armoured division commander, DIC chief, defense minister met at 6pm dec 3rd, allegedly with "intentions of mobilizing armored units to neutralize resistance from citizens and the National Assembly following .. martial law declaration"
Defence minister quoted as saying “We need to bulldoze [the national assembly] with tanks.”
Why abduct election commission workers? Simple. An election fraud conspiracy theory.
"Around 30 far-right YouTubers like Lee Bong-kyu and Jun Kwang-hoon — who have made nearly delusional claims about election rigging, as well as actively defending Yoon since the martial law fiasco — and people connected with their channels were invited to the inauguration at the National Assembly on May 10, 2022."
#korea special forces unit had mission to kidnap 30 electoral commission workers and abduct them to a bunker.
Soldiers handpicked, given loyalty tests, jeolla-do/gwangju soldiers excluded
“they received a mission to depart at 5:30 am the next morning and arrive at the National Election Commission by 5:40 am, then to confirm on site the 30 people on the list, apprehend them and bring them over.“