Republicans (used to?) idolize Reagan. But the Reagan administration would likely love the racism of the present day Republican party, and loathe most of the rest of it. Electing a Russian asset president of the US would be inconceivable to them.
If the author of the excerpt below, Andrew Michta, sounds like a Reagan Republican, it's because he pretty much is. He's written right-leaning editorials, blames Biden for the world's problems, etc.
And yet he writes that if Trump hands Russia significant territorial gains in Ukraine—and so far giving Putin everything he wants seems to be the no. 1 goal of this administration—it will essentially undo America's victory in the Cold War:
"In 1991, the Soviet Union lost the Cold War, as it could no longer compete either in the economic, political, or military spheres... Post-1991, the United States exercised its victor’s prerogative, together with its democratic allies, to structure the post-Soviet space in Central Europe and the Baltics in a way that stabilized the region and served the United States’ interests and those of its European allies.
" was not the West’s aggressive pursuit of an anti-Russian agenda, but rather the weakness and lack of strategic clarity it communicated at every turn post-Cold War that encouraged Moscow’s revisionism. It was not the West’s alleged geostrategic assertiveness, but its timidity each time Putin used military power to occupy territory—first in Georgia in 2008, then in Ukraine in 2014, in Syria in 2015, and finally in Ukraine for the second time in 2022—that set the stage for the unfolding tragedy in Eastern Europe.
"The West is poised to communicate weakness once again, only this time unabashedly and without pretense that it is doing so because of norms or the 'rules-based international order.' If the final peace agreement on Ukraine simply ratifies the status quo on the battlefield, the Trump administration will hand Moscow a major win, in effect undoing the consequences of the Western victory in the Cold War."
The Republican Party has advertised itself as racist since ~1964. That seems to be its only center of gravity.