Is Laurence Fox on 'the Com' with all the creepy teenagers?
Did he brag about this to the kids on Discord, Roblox or Telegram?
All the same shit, isn't it? Misogyny, Patriarchy, the Manosphere....all the same shit...
Is Laurence Fox on 'the Com' with all the creepy teenagers?
Did he brag about this to the kids on Discord, Roblox or Telegram?
All the same shit, isn't it? Misogyny, Patriarchy, the Manosphere....all the same shit...
How long have we known Telegram is dodgy as hell? Is this suddenly news to UKGOV?
Kids on Telegram, how have we let this happen? Is having a conversation with them such a chore?
apparently a crypto bro just shot himself in the head on a live stream to pump a #memecoin after losing his last $500 gambling on crypto.
he died... but at least the memecoin price pumped.
when i wrote "cryptocurrency is a hideous monstrosity made out of computers and greed" i was not being hyperbolic.
fun fact: apparently he was linked to the same cybercrime group as #DOGEbro #EdwardCoristine ("#TheCom")
2/ oh, and Edward Coristine is also connected to #TheCom as per @briankrebs
The Dumbest Thing in Security This Week: The Hacker Who Threatened the Wrong Person #Snowflakedatabreach #TheCyberExpressNews #cybercrimearrests #ScatteredSpider #TheCyberExpress #FirewallDaily #kiberphant0m #cybercrime #CyberNews #TheCom