The one time I got the whole
#HeraldPetrel crew to pose for a crew picture.
Left to right:
Bill Cox (logistics Specialist)
Waylon Grass (Chief of Logistics)
Lynda O'Brian (Chief Engineer and yes, that's a "Best Wife Ever" cup in her hand and she deserves it)
Raffi (assistant and best friend of our captain and that is title enough!)
Harry Galahad (Captain. Even though he doesn't want to)
Siff Braghor (Commander, First Officer)
Caesar Hector Merrimen (Defense Officer)
Intan Lanny Kartawijaya (Communications Officer, 2nd shift)
Peter Bergman (Communications Officer, 1st shift)
Hayden Sinclair (Chief of Security)
Yes, I am crazy enough to have my own set of custom
#lego #minifigs made. No, I don't care what you think about that!
BTW: Today is the last day you can get
#HeraldPetrel for 50% off at
#Smashwords due to
#SciFi #SpaceOpera #QueerSpaceOpera #ReadingCommunity #WritingCommunity #bookstodon #EnsembleCast #Team #Crew #CharacterDrivenSciFi #Characters #LegoMinifigures