A new episode of the Vice Presidencies series is now available! With the death of VP Gerry, the Senate had to choose someone as their presiding officer. Join us as we explore why they chose John Gaillard of SC and what legacy he left. #history #VPOTUS #SC https://www.presidenciespodcast.com/vpotus-0055-john-gaillard-president-pro-tempore/
«Justice #JohnRoberts may have been sendng #Trump a message, but it's [his] response that concernd a #SupremeCourt writer Sat
"You know, the prez himslf calling 4 #impeachment. That's like the number 1 way 2 off the chief justice. & I think it's going 2 really work against the admn in court. & either they know that & they don't care, or they've decided that if & when #SC rules against them here, they'll just defy the order. And that's the most chilling possbility" »
Rep. #JermaineJohnson STOPPED the #GNP* from Blaocking #DEI in #SouthCarolina
@easwatch #GAwx #SCwx #EAS #WEA for Screven, #GA; #Allendale, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 9:30 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Charleston SC #Screven, #GA; #Allendale, #SCwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK
#EAS #WEA for Screven, #GA; #Allendale, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 9:30 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Charleston SC #Screven, #GA; #Allendale, #SCwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #WEA for Screven, #GA; #Allendale, #SC: #Tornado Warning issued March 16 at 8:55AM EDT until March 16 at 9:30AM EDT by NWS Charleston SC Source: NWS Charleston SC #Screven, #GA; #Allendale, #SCwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #WEA for Screven, #GA; #Allendale, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 9:30 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Charleston SC ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
@easwatch #SCwx #EAS #WEA for Fairfield, #SC; #Lexington, #SC; #Newberry, #SC; #Richland, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 8:15 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Columbia SC #Fairfield, #SC; #Lexington, #SC; #Newberry, #SC; #Richland,
#EAS #WEA for Fairfield, #SC; #Lexington, #SC; #Newberry, #SC; #Richland, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 8:15 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Columbia SC #Fairfield, #SC; #Lexington, #SC; #Newberry, #SC; #Richland, #SCwx** DO NOT RE
#EAS #WEA for Fairfield, #SC; #Lexington, #SC; #Newberry, #SC; #Richland, #SC: #Tornado Warning issued March 16 at 7:39AM EDT until March 16 at 8:15AM EDT by NWS Columbia SC Source: NWS Columbia SC #Fairfield, #SC; #Lexington, #SC; #Newberry, #SC; #Richland, #SCwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #WEA for Fairfield, #SC; #Lexington, #SC; #Newberry, #SC; #Richland, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 8:15 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Columbia SC ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
@easwatch #SCwx #EAS #WEA for Bamberg, #SC; #Barnwell, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 7:45 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Columbia SC #Bamberg, #SC; #Barnwell, #SCwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL
#EAS #WEA for Bamberg, #SC; #Barnwell, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 7:45 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Columbia SC ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #WEA for Bamberg, #SC; #Barnwell, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 7:45 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Columbia SC #Bamberg, #SC; #Barnwell, #SCwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #WEA for Allendale, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 7:30 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Charleston SC ** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
@easwatch #SCwx #EAS #WEA for Allendale, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 7:30 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Charleston SC #Allendale, #SCwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #WEA for Allendale, #SC: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 7:30 AM EDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Charleston SC #Allendale, #SCwx** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***