The #RoboCop documentary points out that when Robo takes off his helmet, his jaw piece disappears (but the audience doesn’t notice). So it was definitely 6 hours well spent.
Hmm, yeah, that psych evaluation is probably a good idea. I’m seeing some shit.
He empezado sendas partidas al Mad Max y al Robocop. Estoy por instalarme el Alien Isolation y hacer triple brutal death combo de juegos de inspiración ochentera.
Puto Robocop, me ha crasheado dos veces seguidas en el mismo punto y en el tercer intento se ha quedado el monigote atrapado en un bug.... si el juego me estaba gustando lo justico, asi mal vamos....
"You are illegally parked on private property. You have twenty seconds to move your vehicle."
All shot using real figures, lighting and miniature sets. I added a few digital sparks where ED209's head used to be. The rest is all in camera.
Robocop: Rogue City Is Coming Back With Some Unfinished Business #VideoGames #Robocop #RogueCity
When I read the title of the article, I thought this (from the article) almost immediately:
"Previous attempts to reinterpret Verhoeven’s vision— 'RoboCop' and 'Total Recall' — sit as testaments to the perils of voiding a unique creator’s touch. Stripped of the original’s cutting satire and visceral imagery, these remakes stumbled at the starting lines, failing to captivate audiences or recoup expenses."
Today in BoneQuest History for March 7th 2017 "I'M A ROBOCOPS" #bonequest
#deuce_pants #drunk_deuce #movies #robocop #toad
RoboCop: Rogue City (Kubuntu 24.10 GE-Proton9-25) [2160p] {RX 7900XTX}
The sequel to Robocop: Rogue City sounds more like Dredd - #RoboCop:RogueCity-UnfinishedBusiness #Shooter:FirstPerson #RoboCop:RogueCity #ActionAdventure #ScienceFiction #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Firstperson #StoryRich #XboxOne #Shooter #Teyon #Nacon #RPG #PS5 #PS4 #PC
¿Éxito inesperado o intento de hundir el juego por parte de esa prensa que en #España está comprada por #Sony #PlayStation al menos desde 1998?
RoboCop: Rogue City is set to receive a standalone expansion, scheduled to be released this summer.
ゲーム『ロボコップ』拡張版『RoboCop: Rogue City–Unfinished Business』発表。単体動作可能 #Game #GameNews #GamingNews #Nacon #PC #PS5 #RoboCop:RogueCity #RoboCop:RogueCityUnfinishedBusiness #steam #Teyon #Tsushimahiro #XboxSeriesX/S #ゲーム #ゲーム最新情報 #ニュース #ロボコップ
Nacon Connect : la lineup à suivre #NaconConnect #Cthulhu #Robocop #Ravenswatch #HelIisUs #gaming #games #jeuxvideo #videogames
"Robo, excuse me, Robo. Any special message for all the kids watching at home?"
"Stay out of trouble."
All shot using real figures and miniature sets. I thought I'd digitally add some interlaced lines and make it look like it's on TV.