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👀 #Stérin #Périclès Rançon du succès : on apprend la naissance, en France, d’une « Section Carrément Anti-Stérin » (Scas).
Extrait de l’appel: « Nous devons riposter, et notre détermination se porte aujourd'hui sur un milliardaire qui incarne cette internationale d'extrême droite en France : Pierre-Édouard Stérin, et ses "Nuits du Bien Commun", contre lesquelles nous appelons à une mobilisation générale. »

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@karlauerbach Ooo. And Pericles, a play I love.

Everyone who likes Shakespeare plays should save a few which they haven’t seen or read to see them live if possible and to follow them as a play and be surprised by the changes and turns.

Not everyone likes #Shakespeare of course, but if you do, and you like live theatre, it’s worth saving some to experience “for a first time” as a play.

“To sing a song that old was sung…”

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 16/

In his capacity as general, Pericles was famous above all things for his saving caution; he neither undertook of his own accord a battle involving much uncertainty or peril, nor did he envy and imitate those who took great risks, enjoyed brilliant good-fortune, and so were admired as great generals; and he was for ever saying to his fellow-citizens that, so far as lay in his power, they would remain alive forever and be immortals.

[Section 18]

#SavingLives #Caution #SunTzu #TheArtOfWar

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 15/

And this was not the fruit of a golden moment, nor the culminating popularity of an administration that bloomed but for a season; nay rather he stood first for forty years among such men as Ephialtes, Leocrates, Myronides, Cimon, Tolmides, and Thucydides, and after the deposition of Thucydides and his ostracism, for no less than fifteen of these years did he secure an imperial sway that was continuous and unbroken, by means of his annual tenure of the office of general.

During all these years he kept himself untainted by corruption.

[Section 16]

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 14/

For whereas all sorts of distempers, as was to be expected, were rife in a rabble which possessed such a vast empire, he alone was so endowed by nature that he could manage each one of these cases suitably, and more than anything else he used the people's hopes and fears, like rudders, so to speak, giving timely check to their arrogance, and allaying and comforting their despair.

The reason for his success was not his power as a speaker merely, but the reputation of his life and the confidence reposed in him as one who was manifestly proven to be utterly disinterested and superior to bribes.

[Section 15]

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 13/

To such degree, it seems, is truth hedged about with difficulty and hard to capture by research, since those who come after the events in question find that lapse of time is an obstacle to their proper perception of them; while the research of their contemporaries into men's deeds and lives, partly through envious hatred and partly through fawning flattery, defiles and distorts the truth.

[Section 13]

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 12/

For this reason are the works of Pericles all the more to be wondered at; they were created in a short time for all time.

Each one of them, in its beauty, was even then and at once antique; but in the freshness of its vigour it is, even to the present day, recent and newly wrought.

Such is the bloom of perpetual newness, as it were, upon these works of his, which makes them ever to look untouched by time, as though the unfaltering breath of an ageless spirit has been infused into them.

#Classicism #TheGoldenAge #Art



[Section 13]

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 9/

So then the works arose, no less towering in their grandeur than inimitable in the grace of their outlines, since the workmen eagerly strove to surpass themselves in the beauty of their handicraft. And yet the most wonder­ful thing about them was the speed with which they rose. Each one of them, men thought, would require many successive generations to complete it, but all of them were fully completed in the heyday of a single administration.

[Section 13]

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 8/

Now there had been from the beginning a sort of seam hidden beneath the surface of affairs, as in a piece of iron, which faintly indicated a divergence between the popular and the aristocratic programme; but the emulous ambition of these two men cut a deep gash in the state, and caused one section of it to be called the "Demos," or the People, and the other the "Oligoi," or the Few.

[Section 11]

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 5/

In his funeral oration over those who had fallen in the Samian War, he declared that they had become immortal, like the gods.

"The gods themselves," he said, "we cannot see, but from the honours which they receive, and the blessings which they bestow, we conclude that they are immortal." So it was, he said, with those who had given their lives for their country.

[Section 8]

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 4/

The truth is that even Pericles, with all his gifts, was cautious in his discourse, so that whenever he came forward to speak he prayed the gods that there might not escape him unawares a single word which was unsuited to the matter under discussion. In writing he left nothing behind him except the decrees which he proposed, and only a few in all of his memorable sayings are preserved.

[Section 8]

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#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 3/

And so it was that Pericles, seeking to avoid the satiety which springs from continual intercourse, made his approaches to the people by intervals, as it were, not speaking on every question, nor addressing the people on every occasion, but offering himself like the Salaminian trireme, as Critolaüs says, for great emergencies. The rest of his policy he carried out by commissioning his friends and other public speakers.

[Section 7]

#Plutarch #ParallelLives #Pericles 1/

It is fitting that man pursue what is best, to the end that he may not merely regard it, but also be edified by regarding it.

Virtuous action straightway so disposes a man that he no sooner admires the works of virtue than he strives to emulate those who wrought them. The good things of Fortune we love to possess and enjoy; those of Virtue we long to perform.

The Good creates a stir of activity towards itself, and implants at once in the spectator an active impulse; it does not form his character by ideal representation alone, but through the investigation of its work it furnishes him with a dominant purpose.

[from Sections 1&2]

penelope.uchicago.eduPlutarch • Life of PericlesAn English translation. All of Plutarch's Lives are onsite; in turn part of a very large site on classical Antiquity.

J'étais tombé au hasard de l'algo de recommandation Youtube sur une chaîne suspecte, "Les films à l'arrache".

Elle est constituée de courts métrages humoristiques à l'humour douteux (parfois léger, parfois très très lourd).
Caricatures du "wokisme", sur tous les sujets habituels, pour ridiculiser les écolos, les féministes, les causes sociales, etc.

Bingo. Le réalisateur est Laurent Firode. Il possède une page Wikipedia bien renseignée.