If you're looking to build some solidarity in the ongoing #pandemic it's possible to order #tests in bulk for community groups in the US:

If you're looking to build some solidarity in the ongoing #pandemic it's possible to order #tests in bulk for community groups in the US:
This #LongCovidAwarenessDay I’m reflecting on how many people have been let down by governments, public health & medical establishments
How Covid has been downplayed, airborne spread ignored & vaxx and relax strategies pushed for the sake of capitalism
How many have Long Covid because of this?
Those of us who were disabled before the pandemic could see this wave of chronic illness coming - and many of us have been screaming from the top of our lungs the last 5 years.
Begging people not to take their health for granted & to wear a mask and protect themselves.
Warning them that there are no do-overs once you become chronically ill. Unfortunately very few people are listening - and many won’t understand the true devastation of #LongCovid until it directly impacts them. At which point it’ll be too late.
Despite seeing these waves of disability as an inevitable consequence of “let er rip” Covid strategy - one thing I did not see coming was how many people would willingly embrace not only ableism - but full on eugenics.
People in my own life who were previously kind & supportive have become cruel and angry. The masks have been ripped off. They don’t hesitate to tell me that they blame me for the restrictions placed on them in the early days of Covid.
That they will never again allow their freedoms to be infringed on in the name of protecting the vulnerable. One even went as far as to say “you’ve been sick for years - just die already.”
People who say these things don’t understand what disabled ppl understand all too well - your health is not a permanent state.
Everyone will become disabled eventually - some earlier than others. Many who think they’re invulnerable are already vulnerable and don’t even know it
Yet rather than adapting behaviour and pushing for a new normal that makes the world safe for everyone - most temporarily abled people have instead doubled down on hateful eugenics talking points and want us to stay home forever (or worse - die). It needs to stop.
Covid is airborne and we all share the air. “You do you” individualism is quite literally killing people. We need to start caring about the air we share as this will lead to a healthier society for everyone.
Until then we need to mask up. It’s easy, incredibly effective & it might save someone’s life. At the very least you will know you didn’t contribute to another person’s suffering - and you will be drastically reducing your own odds of getting Long Covid. It’s worth it.
March 15 is #LongCovidAwarenessDay
Everything you don't want to know about #COVID:
COVID is #airborne.
It's not "mild."
Infection damage is cumulative.
It makes you more susceptible to other infections and diseases.
There is no cure for #longCOVID.
The #pandemic is not over.
Wearing a #mask reduces transmission.
Source: whn.global
Covid-19 pandemic memorial bench in Victoria Park in the west of Glasgow.
We were warned, even if by an original work of fiction...
"Martians—dead!—slain by the putrefactive and disease bacteria against which their systems were unprepared; slain as the red weed was being slain; slain, after all man’s devices had failed, by the humblest things that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this earth."
NCHS estimates of #LongCovid—based on Household Pulse Survey.
HTOPS has yet to publish data, despite having avowedly collected data Oct & Dec:
Hospital capacity data was ended under prior administration. Only Federal Reserve disability data continues to update.
#ThisIsOurPolio #CountLongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #MassDisablingEvent
[This is first toot of periodically refreshed thread, providing various dataviz of ongoing #pandemic.]
Last period:
@Salon @news-politics-Salon
"How much corruption can MAGA stomach?"
They don't pay attention. #DonTheCon's first term was one long 4 year grift, not to mention so massively incompetent it ended in a deadly #pandemic & economic collapse... attacking the Capitol b/c they were incapable of believing the American People didn't agree what a fantastic Potus he had been.
MSF warns of ‘rapidly spreading’ outbreak as cholera kills 31 in Ethiopia
5 years on, there is still no brand willing to sign on to an agreement which ensures that garment workers are never again left penniless when the unexpected happened. The lack of accountability is baffling. We say it again: #PayYourWorkers
Read more in our recent op-ed: https://nonprofit.xarxanet.org/opinion/five-years-pandemic-how-adidas-fooled-union-negotiators (3/3)
The Next #Flu #Pandemic Could Be #Worse Than #Covid If We Don't Heed History
COVID and the 1918 flu pandemic gave us playbooks on how to prepare for the next pandemic. But we aren’t using it.
#covid #pandemic #rascism #murder #POC #trump #JaredKushner #alt #ALT4you
Thom Hartmann The Five-Year Cover-up- :How Trump’s Racist Covid Strategy Got Buried https://open.substack.com/pub/thomhartmann/p/the-five-year-cover-up-how-trumps-956?r=ymxmu&utm_medium=ios
German spy agency believed CoVid-19 likely started in a laboratory in Wuhan.
The widely accepted theory is that Covid-19 emerged in bats and then jumped to humans, most likely through another animal, or "intermediary host."
As time worn on, scientists have not found a virus in either bats or another animal that matches the genetic make-up of Covid-19, leading some to doubt the theory.
#Pandemic #CoVid19 #Asian #Health #Virus #PublicHealth #SARSCov2
#H5N1 #mutation {E627K in PB2} detected in #US dairy #herds prompts #caution on #pandemic potential, https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202503/13/WS67d287d2a310c240449daa18.html
SACRAMENTO, the #USA -- Scientists are sounding the alarm about a concerning genetic mutation of the #H5N1 bird flu virus, recently identified in four dairy cow herds, as this mutation could increase the risk of mammal-to-mammal transmission and disease severity.
"Potential #pandemic": #Veterinarians warn of virus now affecting #pets, https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/potentielle-pandemie-tieraerzte-warnen-jetzt-vor-virus-das-haustiere-befaellt_9b32f0e3-c871-4c89-9f8f-f03cc8f3f132.html
#Scientists are concerned that more and more cases of #birdflu are occurring in #pets . According to a report by the "hna", the #H5N1 virus, known as bird flu, is now also infecting #dogs and #cats. Experts are talking about a "silent pandemic" that primarily affects domestic cats.
I wrote a guest article for Healthy Debate that looks at why we need mandatory masks in healthcare, why surgical masks aren’t enough, and how the mounting threats to public health are putting lives at risk.
If you’re a healthcare worker, mask up.
Show us you take your oath to “do no harm” seriously
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/covid-19-doctor-opens-up-toll-stress-1.7480601 “Wong said the scars from the #COVID19 #pandemic are long-lasting for many health-care workers. He said many left their professions in Saskatchewan because of the "moral trauma, moral injury" they faced.”
#Measles cases continue to rise.
They aren't decreasing, standing pat or even slowing.
That means that after more than a month, this #CDC/#HHS controlled by #BrainWormBearDumper does NOT have this under control.
You'd THINK that after their DISASTROUS handling of #Covid, they'd be moving heaven & Earth to stop history from repeating itself (the only thing that will stop this from becoming the next #pandemic is the fact so many adults are ALREADY vaccinated.) #DisasterPresidency