Springtime color echoes…
#goodmorning #spring
#flowers #tulips #MyJoyfulPlace #Bloomscrolling #FlowerPhotography #gardening
OK, today I’m just going to look at beautiful flower photos
#flowers #BloomScrolling #FlowerPhotography #gardening #MyJoyfulPlace #DefendDemocracy
I am so grateful to have a place to make and nurture a garden.
#grateful #MyJoyfulPlace #gardening #flowers #Bloomscrolling #Rumi The #payingattention
In the aftermath of another snowfall, sowing seeds of one of my favorite annuals, Hyacinth Bean Vine…
#Bloomscrolling #flowers #FlowerPhotography #gardens
#seeds #MyJoyfulPlace #UrbanGardens
Need a glimmer of brightness today?
I know I do.
#BloomScrolling #BeautyMoment #gardens #MyJoyfulPlace #flowers #breathe #FlowerPhotography
After scrolling through morning news stories, a desperate need for a #BloomScrolling palate-cleanser
Good morning! Brought to you by these gorgeous cyclamen flowers…
#BloomScrolling #flowers #MyJoyfulPlace
#FlowerPhotography #gardening
a beauty moment…morning sunlight glowing through amaryllis flower petals..
Planting for winter…and the hydrangea is still in bloom!
#BloomScrolling #gardening #UrbanGardens #MyJoyfulPlace
#flowers #winter #FlowerPhotography
It was tulipmania yesterday…I planted, with help, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bulbs.
I’ll be dreaming of this all winter…
trying to balance my morning doomscrolling with some #BloomScrolling
…mostly from my garden, studies in purple…
…morning moment of beauty in the the autumn garden…
#BloomScrolling #MyJoyfulPlace #gardens #autumn #plantphotography #foliage #goodmorning
Even in a small garden there can be hidden treasures. Poking around this morning and coming across the exquisite, delicate blossoms of Pelargonium sidoides - Silverleaf Geranium.
These cool September mornings in the garden are delicious…sipping tea and meditating on a tapestry of plants…
sometimes I need to be reminded to breathe…and fully exhale… gardens are good for that