"Kamiya loda Mikami: "Le sue lezioni hanno guidato le mie decisioni". Un omaggio all'arte del game design! #videogames #mentorship

"Kamiya loda Mikami: "Le sue lezioni hanno guidato le mie decisioni". Un omaggio all'arte del game design! #videogames #mentorship
Teaching Assistants are who make Neuromatch Academy run!
We highly encourage former students to apply as TAs. All TAs should have a strong background in Python and the specific course topic.
Learn more and apply here: https://neuromatch.io/courses/
KDE will be again participating in Google Summer of Code !
Find out how you can contribute to KDE, learn valuable skills using bleeding edge Free Software technologies and get compensated.
There are already loads of proposals on the GSoC ideas page
Which one are you going to do?
From the British Fantasy Society: Applications now open for the BFS's new mentorship programme! We've got 15 partially-funded places and 3 fully-funded places and a whole range of inspiring mentors to support your journey.
(PS I'm one of the available mentors, but don't let that put you off - much more proper people are available also)
Open invitation for formal mentorship:
(moved from /r/mentors)
Since not all offers on here are pro-bono, I'll start by pointing out that this is, with all the pros and cons that come with that.
My Background
I've worked for ~12 years in tech in orgs ranging from 15-20000 people, from academia to for-profit companies, the latter including publicly traded enterprises, vc-funded hypergrowth startups, and boutique consultancies. 1/
Succession planning is not just about preparing for leadership transitions—it's about shaping the future of an organisation by aligning leadership development with its core values and mission.
#LeadershipDevelopment #SuccessionPlanning #OrganisationalCulture #Mentorship #Resilience
Just got paired with my first-ever official (work/career) mentee. Excited to get started. If you have any tips for first-time mentors please share!
Succession planning is more than a process—it's an ethical and strategic commitment to organisational sustainability. In my latest column, I discuss how embedding ethical stewardship, strategic alignment, and cultural continuity into leadership transitions can strengthen resilience, sustain values, and drive future innovation.
#LeadershipDevelopment #SuccessionPlanning #OrganisationalSustainability #EthicalLeadership #StrategicPlanning #Mentorship #CulturalContinuity
Join the #Trust and #Identity Incubator Mentorship programme (TIM) to develop your T&I expertise. The TIM 2025 Programme is a 7 month paid #mentorship open to final year Bachelors, Masters, PhD level #students, or recent #graduates. Students develop valuable skills and hands-on experience with experts in their field and gain new #networking opportunities.
Participants must be nominated & registered by a @geant Member #NREN.
Deadline is 24 January 2025.
For more info https://community.geant.org/trust-and-identity-mentorship/
KDE completes another successful Google Summer of Code!
This year our new contributors worked on LabPlot, Krita, Frameworks, Kdenlive, KDE Connect, games, and much more.
Check out everything that got done in our final #GSoC 2024 report:
One story we thought was great this week didn’t get enough attention: @ArtPhotosDesk shared an animation about an incarcerated artist and his mentor, which was published by the incomparable The Marshall Project. Take a look at it here.
Daily Inspiration: "Any idea worth growing should always be planted!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
From small ideas, big things can grow!
That's what I was thinking about yesterday as I spent time with my long-time friend Marc Jeftovic. He's the CEO of easyDNS, a tech company that, well, helps you manage your DNS (or domain name service setup.) It might not sound like a service like that involves much, but I can tell you it's an extremely important one - and one that his company excels at. In fact, from its humble beginnings in the 90s, it's become one of the major players in this space in the world.
Some years ago, Mark planted the seeds of an idea in my mind. I didn't chase the opportunity at that time, because I wasn't quite receptive to it, but the thought did take root in the recesses of my mind. Some years later, when I needed to challenge myself to take on a new role, the tiny seed of an idea bloomed, and today, it is fully grown. That experience has taught me a lot about the role of mentoring, leadership, and guidance.
Every great idea needs to be planted, solidly and firmly as a foundation for a future of growth. Every great opportunity that might spark a new solution needs a wick that might one day be lit. Every wonderful potential future should be shared so that it can be carefully nurtured to its full potential. Every single concept needs planting so that it might eventually be harvested.
One of the most important things you might ever do with what you do, how you think, and the mindset you carry about with you is to plan that idea as a seed within the minds of others. Our role as innovators and leaders is to challenge people to discard their old reality so that they might discover a new one.
We should inspire people with a goal that involves a better future if only they might find a pathway to get there.
#Ideas #Growth #Innovation #Mentorship #Leadership #Potential #Inspiration #Nurture #Mindset #opportunities
Original post: https://jimcarroll.com/2024/09/daily-inspiration-personal-growth-any-idea-worth-growing-should-always-be-planted/
#CBC and #SOCAN #Music are launching the #CBCIndigenousMusicResidency, a new #songwriting program for six #IndigenousMusicians that supports their growth and artistry. Eligible #Indigenous #MusicArtists can submit their songs for consideration until Aug. 29.
Six participants — two #FirstNations, two #Inuit and two #Métis artists — will be selected. They will have costs and accommodation covered for four weeks in #Toronto, where they will work on two new songs. While completing the #MusicResidency, they will receive #mentorship, access to CBC video and production facilities, and networking opportunities with #MusicIndustry experts. The program will end with the #musicians performing their new works at a live event.
For more details visit the link below:
Can't tell you the number of people that have come to me 20yrs+ later to tell me how a small word of encouragement I gave them stuck in their head for decades & made a difference for them.
I had the same experience many times with kind words given to me but one of my strongest memories was some blunt, constructive criticism someone wrote down for me.
I still have that note - faded & almost unintelligible - as it hung on my office wall for decades.
Are you part of an underrepresented group in the book publishing industry? If you have a manuscript ready to go, you may qualify for this mentorship programme. https://www.thewordfordiversity.org/editor-writer-mentorship #WritingCommunity #mentorship #publishing
Applications for the GAMA Horizons Fellowship are open!
This is a fantastic mentorship program and opportunity for new game designers and retail stores from minority and underrepresented groups.
If you see this please help to get the word out, we strongly believe in this program and have witnessed the results firsthand.
I love these new interns.
They are scrappy as hell.
My #introduction (since I didn't do one yet here on this server !)
Mij name is Sophie, a Dutch/Belgian woman.
* I work in #accessibility and offer also a #mentorship.
* Music is important to me, I love listening and singing (have been taking singing lessons for the past 6 years, currently on hiatus since 2022 though). My #music taste is very eclactic!
* love watching tv-series and movies, and some streamers.
* I love #stationery, I have a lot of #pens and enjoy #fountainpens, i have also fountain pen inks, use a analog planner and journal regurlary. I also have washi tape and stickers
* I also love colouring, so have enough colouring pencils and markers!
* I am a reader and book lover #books
* I like #CrossStitching, but I need more patience for it . Trying to learn to crochet and maybe knitting.
* I have a diamond painting, but I also need more patience so I actually finish that one, LOL
* Touch of the #ADHD
* #TurnersSyndrome
* Leonardo da Vinci is one of the people I deeply admire, for both his genius, his faults and trials and tribulations
* Interested in #paranormal storries and documentaries
People who over-index in disciplinarian psychometrics tend to credit their own growth with pain.
However, because cortisol inhibits memory retention, they suffer from #KnowledgeBlindness related to how they acquired knowledge, or skills.
The only thing they can attribute to the growth: pain itself.
New blog post and video on being a PM at Microsoft: If you own something, you’re ultimately responsible for its positive outcome. If someone else owns something, they are. You can’t do someone else’s job for them, and sometimes the best thing is to let them fail so that they and their team can learn and grow. This is a tough one every time, but sometimes it provides the sand from which a pearl can grow.