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15 pitkää kilometriä. Viime viikon 13km meni aika sutjakkaa joten oletin ettei 2km lisää tunnu pahalta. Kyllä se tuntui pahalta ja annoin itselleni monta kertaa luvan luovuttaa kun kotiovi oli jo niin lähellä. Mun pitää vähän parantaa reittisuunnittelua, etten päädy pyörimään kodin lähistölle, silloin on helppo luovuttaa.
Viimeinen saamarin kilometri meni vain sen ajatuksen voimilla, että jos @rolle pystyi tähän niin minäkin puristan sen vikan kilsan 😅
#juokseminen #running #longrundone

6 Wochen vor #Bienwaldmarathon. Heute stand das intensivste Training der gesamten Vorbereitung auf dem Programm: #LongRun 20 km GA1 + 15 km Wettkampftempo.

Die Belastungsdauer entspricht ca 90% der geplanten Zielzeit. Damit ist diese Einheit eine sehr gute Simulation der Endphase, in der das Rennen richtig schwer wird und der #MannMitDemHammer droht.

Die Herzfrequenz ist erfreulich niedrig geblieben. Ein mögliches Indiz, dass (ähnlich wie bei den 10k letzte Woche) die Form den Zielen voraus ist. Besser so als umgekehrt. Andererseits ging es auf den letzten 15 Kilometern auch 50 m bergab, da habe ich ein bisschen geschummelt.

Nach so einer Einheit ist die #Regeneration wichtig. Für mich heißt das: unmittelbar danach genug Kohlenhydrate zuführen, Dehnung, Mittagsruhe und gesunde Ernährung, viel trinken, viel Schlaf. Morgen ist #Ruhetag (sehr langsames #MdRzA als Ausgleichstraining).

In drei Wochen steht zum Abschluss der Vorbereitung der #Halbmarathon der SKV #Mörfelden auf dem Programm, dann beginnt schon das Tapering.

Absolutely beautiful day! Gorgeous run! It's now chilly enough for wind pants, windbreaker, toque and gloves. But beautiful and sunny!

First week of the last training block of the year done. Seven weeks until the solstice and my solo race. November is usually when I start making plans for next year. I've got a solo trail race planned for June and a long bike trip for August. Anyone else cooking up plans yet?

#GetOutside #TrailRun #TrailRunning #UltraTraining #UltraTrail #SeenOnMyRun #AutumnRunning #Run #Running #SilentSunday #LongRunDone #SundayRunday #UnofficialUltra #SoloRace
Got to run 50.37km with 1575m elevation gain along the East Coast Trail from Signal Hill to Pouch Cove in Newfoundland last weekend. Beautiful route, very technical single track, all the typical weather from home, freshest air, scratched legs, Labrador tea along the trail. Great job with nutrition - really pleased with myself. New shoes didn't pass muster (formerly asics fujitrabuco gtx, but they changed, now hooka challenger), too smooshy, I prefer a firmer sole and the foamy soles were useless on wet trails. Absolutely shite on rocks/roots. Solid last training run and am now in taper for another crack at breaking 80km.
#Run #TrailRunning #TrailRun #UltraRunning #UltraTrail #GetOutside #SeenOnMyRun #LongRunDone #Newfoundland
Into the belly of the build. Five weeks in, five weeks out.

Warmer than usual for this time but still cold enough for long tights and gloves. I have been making my own hydration and nutrition for long runs this build. I figured that silicone baby food containers would work for my "gels" - a mix of honey, ginger syrup, and maldon salt. So far so good!

My elevation runs are laps of the sledding hill. Boring but lots of time to think and reflect. And it makes elevation on race day seem luxurious! I was observing today how different I feel since finishing the phd. I feel it in my muscles. In my bones. It's been about seven weeks since graduation and I am still marvelling at the change. I am excited for the next five weeks of build!

1040m of climbing today in the middle of my long run today. Yoga practice 1174 - self guided yin.

#LongRunDone #SilentSunday #UltraTrail #TrailRunning #Run #Running #DailyYoga #Yoga #PhDLife #PhDRecovery #GetOutside #Gels #Hydration #DIY #GratefullyGrinding
When we were looking for pup and imagining what life would be like, I imagined a running buddy. This little snuggle bug doesn't like wind or precipitation or cold. Her max distance is not quite long enough to go for a run together. Usually, I come back from my run and then we go for her walk. It's not what I expected but I do appreciate the opportunity to stretch my legs after my runs. Today the trails were sloppy greasy snowy and messy. The runs all this week since winter arrived have been slippery and greasy. Oh, how I am glad for those little shake outs with the pup! Most importantly though, she is my resting buddy. She enforces a snuggle schedule like a strict coach!
#DogsOfMastodon #LongRunDone #Puppy #PuppySnuggles #TrailRunning #UltraRunning #TiredLegs #WinterRunning #SundayRunday #Running #SilentSunday #UltraTrail
This week running, I have seen two snakes, one beaver (who scared the stuffing out of me sounding an alarm with its tail! Twice! ), so many birds (FIVE egrets in 200m today) and so many bugs! I enjoy finding ladybugs much more than eating gnats!

Double long runs done! I'm enjoying taper! I found this training block hard mentally (have I run enough, can I run that far, is this enough elevation) but I have gone over my kilometres and altitude for the last 18 months and the last two races and I am just starting to get out of my own way. I love the physicality of running, I love the meditative state of running, but I also benefit a lot from the working on your own internal discourses that you have to do to run far.

#SeenOnMyRun #LongRunDone #Run #Ultra #UltraRunning #UltraTrail #GetOutside #Taper #SilentSunday #BloomScrolling #SundayThoughts #WildCarrot #LadyBird #LadyBig
Another double long run weekend in the books. Beautiful weather both days, not too hot, breezy. Beautiful skies and lots of lovely blooms! I appreciate on the second run how easy it is to slip into that meditative state, my brain and body are already primed from the day before. One more week of build and then onto taper!
#LongRunDone #UltraRunning #Run #UltraTrail #GetOutside #LongRun #BloomScrolling #SilentSunday #Rose #Flowers #SummerRunning