As bad as you think it's going to be, but some of you (me) see it anyway. Sometimes you just need a bad #horror movie.
Full Review #Link Below- This Hell Fest Review Contains Some Fest But Not As Much Hell and The Tests Came Back And You Definitely Have That Thing.
#horrorMovies #horrorfam #horrorFamily #movies #movie #funny #humor #writing #writer #writingCommunity #writers #cinemastodon #Film #films #filmmastodon #horrorCommunity #horrorMovie #horrorMovies #horrorFilm #horrorFilms #horrormastodon
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4 Horror Movies Not to Watch While Driving a Bus or Flying a Passenger Plane! (#Link Below)
#horror #horrorFam #writing #writer #writingCommunity #writers #Movies #movie #cinema #cinemastodon #Film #films #filmmastodon #horrorCommunity #horrorMovie #horrorMovies #horrorFilm #horrorFilms #horrormastodon
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#funny #humor
De las mejores (y más grunge) canciones del rock de los 90s en mi opinión. Cuando Pearl Jam era súper grunge amo el solo que Mike McReady grabó para esta, es una locura. Feliz jueves.
We've Got Reports Of A Grand Theft Auto #Mastodon #YouTube #TBGN #TwoBrosGameNight #YoungerBro #OlderBro #GrandTheftAutoV #GrandTheftAuto5 #GTAV #GTA5 #Stream #PS5 #RockstarGames #replayseries #announcement #videogames #gaming #crime #openworld #action #March #Wednesday #post #link #playlist @TBGN_Older_Bro
Everyone knows #Mario, #Link, #Samus and #Kirby, but #Nintendo has so many more franchises that have been left behind. We rounded them up as part of our #forgottenfranchises series
Details: https://www.maxi-geek.com/con/the-forgotten-franchises-of-nintendo
The Worst Best Picture Oscar Winners Since 1990 (#Link Below)
#writing #writer #writingCommunity #writers #Movies #movie #cinema #cinemastodon #Film #films #filmmastodon #oscar #oscars
#article #listicle #list #read #reading #bestpicture
Link's last name is Kilgannon.
Spent some time updating my @linkstack page. You're invited. There's a range of retro-computing / retro-gaming / chiptune related links in the bottom half of the page…
#Nixon did some shady shit, but he was spot on with his support of #UBI.
There was a #commercial from some initiative in the #UK where they gave a, I think, £10 note to a rich person (who put it in his pocket) and to a normal person (who spent it). The commercial follows the note that is spent, and at the end, goes back to the rich guy, who still has the note in his pocket.
If anyone recognizes this, and can provide a #link, my #followers and I would be grateful.
Photos xkuzinx@pixelfed.social
Osgood Perkins Films Ranked 1-5. (#Link Below)
#horror #horrorFam #writing #writer #writingCommunity #writers #Movies #movie #cinema #cinemastodon #Film #films #filmmastodon #horrorCommunity #horrorMovie #horrorMovies #horrorFilm #horrorFilms #horrormastodon
#article #listicle #list #read #reading #rank #themonkey #longlegs #director
More Family Ootings! #Mastodon #YouTube #TBGN #TwoBrosGameNight #YoungerBro #OlderBro #SpyxAnyaOperationMemories #SpyxFamily #ValentinesDay #ValentinesSpecial #HappyValentinesDay #ValentinesDay2025 #PS5 #LetsPlay #BandaiNamco #newseries #announcement #videogames #gaming #anime #spy #February #Tuesday #post #link #playlist @TBGN_Older_Bro
Ripto Is Enraged! #Mastodon #YouTube #TBGN #TwoBrosGameNight #OlderBro #YoungerBro #Spyro2RiptosRage #Spyro #Spyro2 #SpyroReignitedTrilogy #Switch #LetsPlay #ToysForBob #InsomniacGames #newseries #announcement #videogames #gaming #platformer #February #Monday #post #link #playlist @TBGN_Older_Bro
Watching Cars Burnout #Mastodon #YouTube #TBGN #TwoBrosGameNight #YoungerBro #OlderBro #Burnout3Takedown #Burnout #Burnout3 #Stream #EA #EAGames #newseries #announcement #videogames #gaming #racing #cars #February #Sunday #post #link #playlist @TBGN_Older_Bro