IKEA (US) is having a Spring Sale, and the BROR Workbench is included in that.
A lot of people have used this workbench as a craft table/3d printer station and I've been eyeing it for a bit now.
Just placed an order and it'll be here tomorrow. Will give me plenty of space underneath on the shelves to get all my filament cereal boxes off the floor, too.
Grabbed a couple of SKADIS pegboards to put up next to the printer for storage of accessories and misc parts.
Yesterday I watched this Danish documentary about how IKEA loves wood yet turns out not to manage their woods in Romania as sustainably as they claim. Was also a bit shocked to learn about how low FSC standards can sometimes go. There is a lot of greenwashing going on there...
This is the #IKEA that #russian #intelligence burned in #Lithuania last year.
Dr. Blåhaj is somewhat sad that many of her Icelandic siblings have yet to be adopted, but happy that they're there waiting for those that need them most - both cis and normal.
Jeg liker godt at Kallaxene finnes i forskjellige varianter med de samme kvadratiske hyllene. Så jeg skal sette to stykker sammen, var planen.
Men! Ifølge ikeadotno så er 4x4 Kallaxen 147x147 cm, og 2x4 Kallaxen 147x77…
Og det er to problemer her. For det første er ikke 77 halvparten av 147.
For det andre, ifølge min målestokk som jeg bruker på min fysiske 2x4 Kallax som jeg har fysisk stående ved siden av meg her, så er den 149,3 cm!
Det ødelegger jo hele greia! WTF?
25% wealth tax/year, dropping to 5% when they're down to $78m
Just in the first year, those 3 alone would pay us$100b
That is a lottttt of cheese
What a #ParkSlope interaction: "#IKEA Bag At Checkout: you had one at my express register … and were hot." https://linewaitersgazette.com/2025/03/11/member-submission-missed-connections/
FlyingCam is a Sweet DIY Webcam on a Stick - Imagine you want to monitor a pot on the stove to see if it’s boiling over for jus... - https://hackaday.com/2025/03/12/flyingcam-is-sweet-diy-webcam-on-a-stick/ #classichacks #esp32camera #esp32 #ikea
@drahardja I'd say that is a piece of outdoors furniture, which means the name, according to the #IKEA naming scheme, has to be a Scandinavian island. I propose Huvudskär, from the island in the Stockholm archipelago. Huvud = head. Skär = skerry (it also means "cut").
Pour la "Journée internationale de la femme" , Ikea offre aux femmes et aux jeunes filles un gâteau de princesse à l'achat d'un café
#Ikea #JourneeInternationaleDesDroitsDesFemmes #Féminisme
#Princesse #LibéréeDélivrée
Pour la "Journée internationale de la femme" , Ikea offre aux femmes un gâteau de princesse à l'achat d'un café
Suite de la réaction de Muriel V. :
D’un point de vue sémiotique, ce n’est pas anodin :
Dire "Journée des femmes", c’est lisser, adoucir, gommer la dimension militante.
Dire "Journée des droits des femmes", c’est rappeler que l’égalité reste un combat, pas un acquis.
Les marques ont une responsabilité.
Quand elles communiquent sur le 8 mars, elles ne devraient pas juste chercher à "être dans le mouvement". Elles devraient choisir leurs mots en conscience, comprendre leur portée, éviter les raccourcis faciles."
1/3 Pendant ce temps, chez Ikea et sur LinkedIn... Pour la "Journée internationale de la femme" , Ikea offre aux femmes et aux jeunes filles un gâteau de princesse à l'achat d'un café
Réaction d'Anne V. sur LinkedIn :
"Cette com' est surprenante de la part d'une boîte qui se donne une image plutôt progressiste, non?"
Réaction de Muriel V. :
"Chaque année, les mêmes clichés, les mêmes maladresses et punchlines de travers...
Réduire cette journée, qui trouve ses origines dans les combats pour l’égalité salariale, le droit de vote et la fin des violences sexistes, à une simple "fête" revient effectivement à invisibiliser ces luttes.
#Ikea #Féminisme
Which reminds me to suggest that you take a moment to admire the tremendous percussion equipment used by Bellowhead when they performed that song.
IKEA is hiring a Chief Communications Officer
“Some Assembly Required” Makes Us Love Things More - For the maker looking to turn their project into a business, trying to price your ... - https://hackaday.com/2025/03/02/some-assembly-required-makes-us-love-things-more/ #manufacturing #ikeaeffect #mischacks #assembly #business #flatpack #ikea #lego