Today, March 17, in 180 AD, Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius died and was succeeded by his son Commodus (depicted in Gladiator, 2000)
Today, March 17, in 180 AD, Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius died and was succeeded by his son Commodus (depicted in Gladiator, 2000)
Hi, y'all! It's Death, your friend. Ready to paaaaaaaaarty?
#Histodons - looking for anything written about Trump/MAGA understandings of history, but with an emphasis on philosophy of history rather than historical content.
Articles that attempt to interpret the far right's particular understandings of history, why it does/does not matter, its uses/abuses, etc.
Would especially welcome more scholarly treatments from History, Philosophy, etc..
Any suggestions?
(I hesitate to share this as I'm not really looking to discuss the topic much right now. Just trying to get a feeler for what's been done. Kicking around a paper idea but having trouble getting much traction.)
The #TRANSMAT project culminated last week with the conference ‘Decolonising Museums and Colonial Collections. Towards a Transdisciplinary Agenda and Methods’ and the opening of the exhibition ‘Facing the Colonial Legacy in the Museum’, both hosted by the Santos Rocha Municipal Museum in #FigueiraDaFoz.
We tell you more here:
Middle #Tennessee State #University #histodons assist the #AfricanAmerican community in #Murfreesboro preserve the #history of the Cemetery School in a museum. The segregated school was created for the #education of children of former #slaves who were hired to bury #Union Army casualties, including those killed during the #CivilWar Battle of Stones River that occurred nearby.
Numérisation des savoirs : entre utopie démocratique et instrumentalisation
Comment créer un patrimoine numérique qui soit à la fois pérenne, éthique, accessible, authentique et respectueux de la protection des données ?
Happy #StPatricksDay !
And thanks to @wikipedia TIL about the Molly Maguires!
Mit Heft 81 „steine“ erschien heute vor 5 Jahren die erste #WerkstattGeschichte beim neuen Verlag, schönen Dank an #transcript in Bielefeld für die Zusammenarbeit!
Der Thementeil, hg. von Susann Lewerenz & Veronika Springmann, bot Beiträge von Sebastian Felten (#Bergbau #18thCentury), Kathrin Rottmann (#Pflastersteine #1968) & Regina Sarreiter (#Steinwerkzeuge, koloniale #Ethnologie).
Dies & mehr online unter:
#OnThisDay, March 16, in 1945, America began a two-day campaign of firebombing Kobe, Japan (depicted in Grave of the Fireflies, 1988, Studio Ghibli)
#OnThisDay, 16 Mar 1876, Rose Harland and Nelly Saunders step into the ring at Harry Hill's bar for the first all-woman boxing match in the USA.
No illustration of Rose and Nelly, so here's a poster for the bar.
#WomenInHistory #WomensHistoryMonth #History #ThisGirlCan #AmericanHistory #Histodons
Nan Li & Heqi Cai examine governance structures during the Tang-Song transition with cross-sectional county data from 813 & 1080 AD to show social transformations, inc changes in bureaucratic institutions & econ development, enhanced state capacity centuries before Europe. OA in the Asia-Pacific EcHR!
@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @sts @inequalityecon @SocArXivBot #history #histodons #China
Today, March 15, in 1917, Czar Nicholas II abdicated the Russian throne, ending 300 years of Romanov rule, the last full autocracy in Europe (The Last Czars, 2019)
Today, March 15, in 44 BC, on the Ides of March, a group of Roman senators stabbed Julius Caesar to death during a meeting of the Senate in the Theatre of Pompey (Rome, 2005)
#NeverForget that on the #IdesOfMarch the #deportation of 50,000 Jews from #Thessaloniki , #Greece to #Nazi concentration camps began in 1943.
Arrêtez tout ! Victor Gay a publié son SIG Troisième république sur @datagouvfr (et pas uniquement sur #Progedo) en 2020* :
* et je ne m'en rends compte que maintenant alors qu'il figure bien dans mon jeu de données "archives" depuis 2022 ...
poke @macgraveur @agnes_vbb
#donnéeshistoriques #opendata #donnéesadministratives #histoire #historicalmaps @archivistodon #histodons #archivistodons
#OnThisDay, 15 Mar 1927, the inaugural women's boat race between Oxford and Cambridge takes place on the Isis.
In 2015, the women’s race was finally held on the same day, and over the same course, as the men’s race.
Watch silent newsreel of the 1927 race here:
Last Call for Proposals! Tomorrow March 15th is the final day to submit a proposal for the 50th SSHA Conference in Chicago, Nov 20-23 2025 at the Palmer House Hotel. Please consider submitting a paper or panel at
Questions to
@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @archaeodons @sts @inequalityecon @SocArXivBot #history #histodons #glamsdons #globalhealth #socialscience
Lundi prochain au séminaire d'histoire #africaine : Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu (CNRS/CRH) et Ibrahima Seck (univ. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar), Formes de l’#oralité – Sources orales vs. oralité dans les sources (écrites).
17 mars | 16:15h | format hybride
Today, March 14, in 1964, Dallas, Texas nightclub owner Jack Ruby was convicted of murder with malice and sentenced to death for shooting and killing President John F. Kennedy's alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald (Ruby, 1992)