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A community for live music fans with roots in the jam scene. Shakedown Social is run by a team of volunteers (led by @clifff and @sethadam1) and funded by donations.

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This article from Missouri Conservationist about Snow Geese is packed with great photos (at the bottom) and new-to-me facts.

How interesting that they were once imperiled and now the populations have exploded to the point of needing "management."

This is from the November #MissouriConservationist issue. Great read. Digital=free to all. Physical= free to MO households (cheap to non-mo)

Snow Geese
Missouri Department of ConservationA Blizzard of GeeseThe story behind the spectacular numbers of snow geese

still debating what to do about this run in Milwaukee. ~80 minutes away from home makes it doable but inconvenient. Have unfortunately convinced myself they play better shows in the Winter.

Leaning towards making an overnight trip of N1 and a quick commute for N3 🤔

watching the bluesky folks post one minute videos is bumming me out so here's the last 10 minutes of the Cincy Red Bird

Yesterday @slomo and I went to a park with some ducks and geese. Later on during the day, the park guardians started walking around with whistles, to inform guests that the park was about to close. The geese decided to join in the fun, by honking while looking at the people and pointing their heads towards the exit. They were literally honking the people away! So it was like, whistle from the park guardians, honk from the geese, whistle, honk, etc. 🤣