I've never drawn my FFXIV character, until now. I recently switched from an Elezen to a bunny boy and I'm loving every minute of it!
I've never drawn my FFXIV character, until now. I recently switched from an Elezen to a bunny boy and I'm loving every minute of it!
New #FFXIV Fan song out now: "Voices in the Storm", a tribute to Kann-E-Senna and Merlwyb.
Cats are fed, lights are dimmed, we're starting the stream! #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIV https://www.youtube.com/live/Or2Yo5Jpwz4
FINAL FANTASY XIV Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXVI https://www.playing-games.com/562800/ #Dawntrail #FF14 #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV(VideoGame) #games #gaming #GamingTrending #MMO #PLL #SQUAREENIX #TrendingGames #ゲーム #ゲーム攻略 #ゲーム最新情報 #スクウェア・エニックス #スクエニ #ファイナルファンタジー #黄金のレガシー
Anyway, I finally finished work, cleaned up all the messes I produced, and am now ready for the weekend! So like every Friday, we'll kicking off the weekend by streaming some Final Fantasy XIV! As always at around 6pm CET, so join me later! #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIV
Cats and humans have been fed, tea has been brewed, come join me! #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIV https://www.youtube.com/live/GPuM4ggFbA8
We're starting the week a bit differently by diving back into Final Fantasy XIV with the post-Heavensward MSQ Patch 3.4! I'll be live as always at around 6pm CET, so join me later! #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIV https://www.youtube.com/live/GPuM4ggFbA8
Quick update on the streaming schedule: I had firm plans to continue streaming MSQ 3.4 of Final Fantasy XIV today, but life happened and schedules need to be realigned. I will try and spontaneously stream a bit over the weekend. #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIV #streaming
Made a new character to try playing #FinalFantasyXIV for the first time on @nomiavixiii's stream this Wednesday
(Well, *mostly* for the first time. They did get me to try it very briefly a few years ago, but I bounced off it.)
So instead, to celebrate the weekend we will be diving back into Final Fantasy XIV with the post-Heavensward MSQ Patch 3.3! Join the playthrough later today, as always at around 6pm CET #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXIV https://youtube.com/live/o1-bK3vWx9o
Random Roar: Supporting My Team
It feels good to step outside my bubble every now and then.
#Videogames #FinalFantasyXIV #MarvelRivals #RandomRoar
Pues aprovechando los movimientos de redes sociales gracias a #VamonosJuntas pongo mi re-re- #presentacion
Soy un frikazo valenciano de pueblo interesado en #FinalFantasyXIV #SavageWorlds #RetroGames #DnD #Warhammer #PixelArt #HopePunk #3dPrinting
Estoy 100% en contra del uso de IAs, de los NFT, las cripto-cosas, el capitalismo, machismo, capacitismo, edadismo y discursos de odio en general.
Solo recordar además que #TransRightsAreHumanRights #BlackLivesMatter #FreeLuigi y #FreeGaza