Avui és el vint-i-cinquè aniversari de la publicació a casa nostra de "Slave Zero" per "Dreamcast" de #Sega . #SlaveZero #Dreamcast #Shooter #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Avui és el vint-i-cinquè aniversari de la publicació a casa nostra de "Slave Zero" per "Dreamcast" de #Sega . #SlaveZero #Dreamcast #Shooter #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Tal dia com avui de 2000 ens arribava "Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation" per "Dreamcast" de #Sega . #TombRaiderTheLastRevelation #TombRaider #Dreamcast #Shooter #Puzle #Aventura #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames
Avui és el 25è aniversari de la publicació a casa nostra de "Rayman 2: The Great Escape" per "Dreamcast" de #Sega . #Rayman2TheGreatEscape #Rayman #Dreamcast #Plataformes #Aventura #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames
The weekend started off strong ! Just picked up 2 brand new in box Sega Dreamcast keyboards.
It's a Genki special today in the latest Under the Microscope, as Bo Bayles found new cheat codes in three of the games they developed for Sega consoles: Highway 2000 and Wangan Dead Heat on the Saturn as well as Tokyo Xtreme Racer on the Dreamcast! Take a look:
Fan made Dreamcast Port of GTA 3 [Steals the Show].
Thanks to [Stefanos] and his team, the genre defining Grand Theft Auto III [GTA 3], can now run on Sega’s hardware. Their combined efforts have yielded a fully playable port of the PC version of the game for Sega Dreamcast.
Yesterday, I have my Dreamcast VM2 arrived. Finally, I can hold multiple saves! Also means that I can give a try the VMU games which majority of them if I recall are just virtual pets game but still be fun to play around with
#RetroGaming #Dreamcast
Avui es compleixen 25 anys que arribava "Airforce Delta" per "Dreamcast" de #Sega . #AirforceDelta #Dreamcast #Simulador #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Tal dia com avui de 2000 ens arribava "Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense" per "Dreamcast" de #Sega . #Vigilante82ndOffense #Dreamcast #Lluita #Shooter #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
This is the big one today, and a well deserved 10/10.
Review for Shenmue on Dreamcast from DC-UK 17 - Christmas 2000 (UK)
Games aren't really clicking with me these past couple of day, so I'm thinking that when I get back home from work late tonight, I'm finally starting Shenmue on PS5.
It's been 25 years since I did a full play though...
You can download this issue here:
Today on Reconnect…
Did You Know That Dreamcast Has A Hidden Menu System?
#gaming #videogames #dreamcast
In today's episode of "Things I have been playing this week for #VGMWednesday ," we have a different rodent centric game. Don't worry, you're in safe hands, away from the House of Mouse.
Though, we are in the hanging out with Sonic Team, which is also pretty dubious....
The game in question is none other than ChuChu Rocket! Now, I am cheating this week, again... Boo, hiss!
I've been plugging away at the 2,500 single player on the GBA version, but I didn't want to subject you to the crunchy GBA audio. So let's just jam to the funky fresh beats of the #Dreamcast
This is the 『Single Player Theme』the music that plays during a single-player puzzle stage, and all things considered, it is pretty chill and easy going whilst you are trying to rescue mice from pitfalls and giant orange cats! Considering you might be spending a long time on some puzzles, it is good that the music makes for super easy listening!
Tal dia com avui de 2000 ens arribava "Re-Volt" per "Dreamcast" de #Sega . #ReVolt #Dreamcast #Curses #Esports #Arcade #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
I remember this game being as photo realistic as graphics could be. It was as if I was really there in the game! I remember being very impressed over the wrinkles on the textures. I wish I could travel back in time with my #PS5 and blow my own socks off!
Finally got a VMU for my Dreamcast. #gaming #retrogaming #SEGA #dreamcast
There are debug menus hiding in acclaimed Dreamcast fighting games Power Stone 1 and 2, but there are no cheat codes to access them. So Bo Bayles made patches to get the job done! Get the lowdown here:
Update on the top down rpg template for ANTIRUINS.
A (slow...) follow camera, some sprite animation, a switch behavior. I still need a some sounds and a NPC and that should be a good example for people wanting to develop on #dreamcast.