I hope you like auto scrollers, because Pepper Grinder added one today. Lots of riding on top of vehicles. Make sure not to lose your head... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #MondayGaming #TBGN
If this is all the hidden levels in Pepper Grinder, then this game will be very short. Perhaps the developers could make the next game a bit longer too... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #SaturdayGaming #TBGN
It looks like this boss in Pepper Grinder is going to be the hardest yet. Not just because the boss has hard patterns, but also because it wastes your time if you restart the level... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #ThursdayGaming #TBGN
If Pepper Grinder ever gets a sequel, I hope they add more story elements. Would love to see how these drill-based machines work... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #TuesdayGaming #TBGN
Pepper Grinder 's ice physics surprisingly aren't too bad, but the real highlight is the snowmobiles. Have fun zooming over the snow, everyone... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #SundayGaming #TBGN
Well, it's no Nail Gun, but Pepper Grinder did the next best thing with a Drill Shotgun. What do the internals of this thing look like? Someone needs to investigate this ... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #FridayGaming #TBGN
These new mechanics in Pepper Grinder are fun, but Older Bro gets a bit frustrated. Feels like they could use a bit more optimization. But, could be worse I suppose... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #WednesdayGaming #TBGN
It looks like the bosses in Pepper Grinder will be a bit more difficult than Older Bro thought. Well, I'm sure he'll get thru them all eventually... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #MondayGaming #TBGN
Drill Dozer 2 #Mastodon #YouTube #TBGN #TwoBrosGameNight #OlderBro #YoungerBro #PepperGrinder #PC #Stream #AhrEch #DevolverDigital #newseries #announcement #platformer #indie #Saturday #January #post #link #playlist @TBGN_Older_Bro
It's been 3000 years, but Older Bro finally gets to play a new game like Drill Dozer: Pepper Grinder. Well, sort of. More like Drill Dozer mixed with Shovel Knight... #Steam #DevolverDigital #PepperGrinder #platformer #indie #gaming #SaturdayGaming #TBGN
A new mode turns Halo: Infinite into Fall Guys with a "hex-a-gone" minigame - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/a-new-mode-turns-halo-infinite-into-fall-guys-with-a-hex-a-gone-minigame #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive #Shooter:FirstPerson #DevolverDigital #ActionAdventure #XboxGameStudios #NintendoSwitch #343Industries #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #HaloInfinite #Thirdperson #Firstperson #HaloStudios #Blockbuster #Mediatonic #Platformer #EpicGames #FallGuys #XboxOne #Shooter #Sports
Devolver Digital تكشف المزيد عن Baby Steps في عرض جديد https://pixelarab.com/2025/01/06/devolver-digital-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%b4%d9%81-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%af-%d8%b9%d9%86-baby-steps-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%b9%d8%b1%d8%b6-%d8%ac%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%af/ #BabySteps #DevolverDigital #Gamers #Gaming2025 #GamingNews #IndieDev #IndieGames #PCGaming #PixelArab #PlayStation5 #PS5Games #أخبار_الألعاب #أخبار_الجيمينج #بيكسل_عرب
The RPS Selection Box: Graham's bonus games of the year 2024 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/the-rps-selection-box-grahams-bonus-games-of-the-year-2024 #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive #PlaytonicFriends #VictoryHeatRally #DevolverDigital #RPSSelectionBox #ActionAdventure #NintendoSwitch #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Mediatonic #Platformer #ToTheCore #Christmas #EpicGames #FallGuys #XboxOne #Racing #Sports #Arcade #Indie #PS4 #PC
Bideojoko independenteen argitaletxerik handienetakoa da Devolver Digital.
Geroratzeak aurkeztu arren, beti bezala umorez betetako bideoarekin ezagutzera eman dituzte.
#Bideojokoak #DevolverDigital #Indie
Devolver have delayed Baby Steps, Skate Story, Stick It To The Stickman into 2025 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/devolver-have-delayed-baby-steps-skate-story-stick-it-to-the-stickman-into-2025 #StickItToTheStickman #ActionAdventure #DevolverDigital #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #SkateStory #Simulation #BabySteps #Sports #Indie
I don't like to drop games, but sometimes it happens, I decided to drop Death's Door at 10% completion. I have a very strange relationship with games published by #DevolverDigital. They all look very cool on video, but when you start playing, it's not so great.
#xbox #xboxseriesx #gamepass