Influenza B is climbing now in my area, and Influenza A is subsiding. Flu levels in wastewater still high as they overlap.
Covid slight decline, RSV slight decline, but both mostly holding at an elevated level.
Influenza B is climbing now in my area, and Influenza A is subsiding. Flu levels in wastewater still high as they overlap.
Covid slight decline, RSV slight decline, but both mostly holding at an elevated level.
While I still can, here in the U.S., I got another COVID booster along with Tdap and updated (for me) MMR vaccines.
That's 10 COVID shots for me in 4 years. It's been about 10 years since I had a tetanus shot, I think, and I'm getting scratched and bitten by cats at the shelter where I volunteer, and apparently the original Measles vaccine I got in 1963 has dubious long-term effectiveness.
THIS IS NOT POLITICS; This is Your Child
Airborne viruses are out of control- #BirdFlu #Covid #Flu . Government has dropped the ball. You have the right to demand clean school air and #N95 for your child.
Schätzung für Zürich aufgrund Kalibrierung der Abwasserprävalenzen Werdhölzli, Daten bis 16. März:
Inzidenz ~300.
Ca. jede 330. Person infiziert sich pro Woche.
Erster Anstieg seit Wochen. Anstiege in der grossen Mehrzahl der gemessenen Anlagen.
| Corona zwischen Aufarbeitung und Verschwörungstheorie
Bernd Harder mit einem kleinen Medienspiegel über den aktuellen Stand der Aufarbeitung der #Corona-Pandemie. „Simple Analysen und starke Meinungen“ erschweren nun wiederholt den Diskurs.
Bob MacDonald (Quirks and Quarks, CBC Radio) has a very accessible episode that covers a lot of the basic information about Covid-19 and long-Covid that most people are woefully unaware of, in an interesting and non-confrontational way. Worth listening to and reading; worth sharing with people who are important to you.
Press release:
Long COVID could be costing U.S. $2.0-$6.5 billion annually
Paper (not open access):
Comment: I think I have seen higher estimates. Still huge numbers
#LongCovid #PASC #PwLC #postcovid #postcovid19 #LC #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome #longhaulers #COVIDBrain #NeuroPASC
@covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
@artbymarek I haven't looked recently, but I bet covid as a pre-condition on medical insurance might open a few minimizing or disbelieving eyes. #Covid
@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19
'Nobody could have foreseen this,' say the minimizers.
"Five times as many Australians are dying from Covid-19 as the flu five years after the outbreak of the global pandemic, shock new research has revealed."
What destroying the literal health of the body politic looks like. Here is a list of the grants canceled by #HHS. They include research on #Cancer, #Covid, #HIV, #Alzheimer's. As @GottaLaff says, #ProLifeMyAss (I think that's how she puts it).
What destroying the literal health of the body politic looks like. Here is a list of the grants canceled by #HHS. They include research on #Cancer, #Covid, #HIV, #Alzheimer's. As @GottaLaff says, #ProLifeMyAss (I think that's how she puts it).
Things you can say when people say, "during the pandemic" and mean some point in the past:
"Oh, during lockdown?"
"Oh, the height of the pandemic?"
"Oh, the worst part of the pandemic?"
"Oh, earlly days?"
"Oh, when it was still new?"
"Oh, before vaccines?"
"Oh, before RTO?"
And of course it's cool to follow up with, "Because the pandemic is still on."
It's beyond me how people thought they could slosh a quarter-billion dollars around south Minneapolis and environs without attracting attention.
But then, I evidently lack the creative thinking you see in This Modern World.
Dante, way back when, reserved the lowest circles for fraud, if you go in for that kind of literary flourish.
A prosecutor called it "The shame of Minnesota." But look at it this way. They didn't get away with it.
MPR News: 'In the overall fraud case, 70 people including Bock and Said were charged. A little more than half have pleaded guilty. The trial of Bock and Said was the second to follow the sprawling investigation by the FBI, IRS, and U.S. Postal Inspection Service into fraud in the nutrition programs.
'A separate federal jury in June convicted five of seven defendants at a trial that was rocked by allegations of attempted jury bribery.
'"The Feeding Our Future case has come to symbolize the problem of fraud in our state,” [lead prosecutor Joe] Thompson said Wednesday. “It has become the shame of Minnesota. Hopefully today’s verdict will help turn the page on this awful chapter in our state’s history.”'
I hope so!
My equally N=1 anecdata is that whether I have symptoms from a #Covid #vaccine seems to be totally random and independent of the manufacturer. I can't make Covid antibodies, so whatever causes the reaction isn't that. I'm not an immunologist, but I take Covid vaccines in the hope of priming my T-cells. IDEK. I hope it helps. I've had Covid and it wasn't fun.
Being immunocompromised makes me especially glad to hear when other people take vaccines. Thanks for doing the right thing, Tayfonay, and get well soon.
@chemoelectric “…letting the virus sweep through poultry flocks unchecked would be inhumane & dangerous… Dr. Gail Hansen… called the idea a “recipe for disaster. Every infection is an opportunity for the virus, called H5N1, to evolve….so far, the virus hasn’t developed the ability to spread among people…if H5N1 were to be allowed to run through a flock of five million birds, “that’s literally five million chances for that virus to replicate or to mutate,” It mutates just like #COVID #BirdFlu
"I've lived like this for two or three years and the thought of living like this for another two or three years is completely overwhelming, never mind a decade or longer"
Une famille soupçonnée de maltraitance parce que leur fille de 4 ans a un Covid long et subit une errance médicale.
Dommage que dans l'article il n'y ait nulle part l'hypothèse d'un biais raciste de cette enquête sur la famille, non ?
#Covid #CovidLong #santé #France #racisme
I think this is the best writeup I've seen on the (lack of) evidence for the efficacy of nasal sprays as a "layer of protection" against #COVID / #COVID19
There is a lot of misinformation out there about nasal sprays preventing COVID-19. Unfortunately, there are no convincing studies showing that nasal sprays prevent COVID-19. The published studies investigating whether or not nasal sprays prevent COVID-19 each have major issues, which I will detail here.
I have a PhD in biochemistry and one of my PhD projects was on COVID-19. The main takeaway of this post is that there is no sound evidence that nasal sprays prevent COVID-19. Thus, nasal sprays should not be used for COVID-19 prevention in place of effective measures such as high-quality well-fitting respirators, ventilation and air purification.