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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.27 — Were you ever discouraged by great art of someone else?

Only a practicing artist, author, or crafter would ask such an insightful question, from experience; okay, maybe a psychologist would. I believe it is human to compare oneself and one's creations to those who teach us, whether they know they're our teachers or not. We've learned to simulate in our heads the parents or teachers we've grown up with, who mean well or not, who critique without encouraging, who don't emphasize and collaborate with us on next steps, too. We've learned to hear echoes of their voices.

This is one of my personal flaws. Not the comparison part. The part where I judge my effort lacking, never good. Shit. I just experienced it a few days ago on book recommendation day, having encountered an indie writer so good at writing 3rd person that it felt like 1st, whose first chapter compelled me to buy the book.

I compared.

My energy crashed.

I didn't want to write.

But I'm getting better at this, and if you're empathizing (and face it, if'n you're read'n this up to this point, you are), you are learning how to tell your negativity, "Begone!"

I had a chapter to write and publish that day.

I didn't "feel" it. I did it anyway.

I focused on my unique style and how it entertained me. And the story, which surprised me. And that it was practice, regardless.

When I see others self-deprecate, I tell them to stop (or at least tell them notice how poorly they'd treated themselves). Recently I caught a follower deprecate their web-comic. I saw abstraction, minimalism, and a uniquely primitive style and smiled. I think the artist saw themselves as barely able to draw, but their rendering was strong, it set off the dialogue, and had showed motion. Nobody starts off a Rembrandt, and there was only one, ever. Or ever more than one of us. I tell myself this. The first impressionists were ridiculed as lazy. Picasso... Did cubism hit the first day? It's best not to be dear Vincent, tho. Best to strengthen that of which we're capable.

Just write. Just create. If it pleases me, I vow I'll do it better the next time, or I enjoy the thing I've created and move on. Hard. Yes. Persistence? It's key.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.26 — Ask the expert: if you're a specialist in something, would you answer questions for writers/artists regarding your specialty?

I'll answer, but in public threads as one of my things is helping as many people as I can. Jack or Jill of many trades, but an expert in none? Let's see:

  • I've now watched 102 Korean drama series and many more Japanese anime series, so I have some perspective there.
  • If you've followed me, I fancy myself an experimental chef (fancy being a keyword with multiple meanings).
  • I have some insights into oral traditions (folklore). RS has a degree.
  • I take pretty pictures, but went from a professional DSLR to using an iPhone most of the time.
  • I'm am arguably good at storytelling. My agent said that was the best thing about me. I might be convinced to answer questions like "How do you write a fight scene?" or "Is attention to gender all that important?" or "Is grammar good? Or… It's bad, isn't?"
  • What I am is an expert at being shy, what it feels like, and what that means to a person. You may ask me about that.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers Question

Yes. In high school. Pan-X. I remember the smell of chemicals, with vinegar flooding all else out, but that might be thanks to chem lab at university. It vaguely remember seeing the submerged image darkening. Enough to lampshade the process in the few instances I needed to. There's multiple reasons I didn't really get into fine art photography until I had digital cameras.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.22 — Tell us about a book you love by an indie author.

Well, fan fiction seems to me to generally be written by indie authors who rarely get paid (though some make a living), and that's probably not what you meant…

Really, I went from reading and buying books all the time to writing all the time and not reading books. (I had my phone reading my manuscripts or fan fiction to me while exercising.) Previously, I only read conventionally published authors. Now, I'm trying to crack a book now and again. I understand that Indie books offer fresh blood, and please note the fact that you are all promoting on Mastodon is getting me interested in reading your books.

I'd definitely recommend Liana Brooks All I Want for Christmas is a Kiss Gargoyle. (@LianaBrooks) Found it in my feed. Enjoyed it muchly.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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Barnes & NobleAll I Want For Christmas Is A Gargoyle|PaperbackMeet Iris Muhly, American star of the hit international TV show Shattered.Just kidding. Ingenue Iris definitely acts in the show, but the vibe? Less 'star' and more 'character the fans hate most'. Bad enough on a normal show. But on a show where fans literally vote to control the...

#ScribesAndMakers 2503.23 — How do you feel about puns?

Ha! Puns, double-entendres, innuendo, turns of phrase. My specialties. I don't work to create them, they simply present themselves during composition. I say, "Thank you very much!"

Personally, as in my writing, I always go for the joke. My spouse is not always amused. My autism sometimes makes for very subtle puns.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#WritersCoffeeClub #WCC 2503.21 — Happy World Poetry Day! Share your most poetic line.

I feel that prose benefits from rhythm and allusion if not meter, as does poetry. Words evoke feeling and meaning regardless of the form, and can come off as dead if poetic attributes are ignored or brushed off as frivolous.

Some of my writing is arguably lyrical, some evocative and metaphorical. To radically oversimplify the following excerpt, Rainy Days is the wizard professor of a university of magic. This is how a surprised male student sees her upon entering her office.

Well, she floated. As did a half dozen open tomes, three black notebooks, two colorful quills—with matching ink bottles, red and indigo—and one drink that lacked a container. The liquid sphere of chopped cherries, magenta water, and rock ice danced and bobbled and clinked—sporting a long silver metal straw that glimmered where poked within, perfectly and precisely angled toward expectant reddened lips. Rainy Days floated as if herself immersed in an unseen pool, her spine, arms, and legs slightly curved waifishly, for an instant merely a girl now a young woman laying a-drowse on her side, on her sleeping mat, fighting off a daydream. She glanced around a sheaf of blue-lined student papers darkened wetly by a summer squall of cramped cursive, briefly displaying her curious crystal blue eyes veiled through her faint golden halo. She grabbed the red quill. Around her, like a mostly invisible bonfire crackled—? What could you call the phenomenon? Energies and forces? Half-seen static discharges and regions of air reflected slightly, intermittently; they were ephemeral cirrus clouds suddenly luminously painted orange or blue or gold or pink, visible in that last gasp of dusk before slipping into the abyss of night.

—from Reluctant Moon.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.20 — Do you like graffiti? Do you have an example?

Yes. When it's not lifeless scrawl little better than dogs peeing to mark their territory, yes. Love it. It is one of the most dynamic ephemeral art forms today. A real fan of Banksy. I'm always photographing good examples when I find it. I even created some for a cover art for a story that had "Gangsters" in the title.

The second image is tall buildings downtown LA that ran out of money. It's orthographically interesting if not only a strange marker of our societal decay.

The first image is some of the wall art they may be on purpose, or encouraged. Tap #altText for more.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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Continued thread

#ScribesAndMakers 2503.19 2/2 — At what age did you start creating?

I'm being meta in this post, talking about what I thought answering this question originally. As a gender fiction writer, the response to this question fascinated me! Let me in advance apologize for going all Sherlock Holmes on you folk. Gender roles and preferences are schooled into us until they're subliminal. Authors pervert the programming to write believable characters that are both different from them and of different genders or preferences. Our writing contains subtexts and hidden confessions that come out in our essays, maybe even our fiction, that we may or may not be aware of, or, granted, may not care about.


Many of us authors in this community use pen names, as do I, or an ungendered alias online, as do I, going so far as to use a pretty picture avatar, as do I, to obfuscate our identity, or to assert a political identity instead. My avatar highlights my comedic side.


Yet, many of the answers to this question indirectly maybe inadvertently announced a gender identity (not necessarily a birth gender; that's understood). I crafted my rather typical answer to this question to answer truthfully but equivocally as to hints about my gender and gender identity.

I can remember ... playing imaginary games with my toys, making them walk, making them roll, making them fly, and sometimes tea was involved. The figurines talked and we gabbed and gossiped and discussed important life events! The vehicles made what I thought very authentic noises!! There were adventures galore!!!

Both girl words and boy words, and words that say the same thing in an ungendered fashion. Gossip and tea but also figurines, not dolls.

That said, reading the responses I realized I had incorrectly guessed the gender of many authors. Word choice counts, and it counts at many levels. May I suggest you read some of the responses again?

PS: Ask me about some of this gender role and identity stuff on Talk To Me Day, if you want. #EngenderedWriting

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.19 — At what age did you start creating?

Is as far back as I can remember an okay answer?

I can remember sitting in the front of the TV watching Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In (look it up), playing imaginary games with my toys, making them walk, making them roll, making them fly, and sometimes tea was involved. The figurines talked and we gabbed and gossiped and discussed important life events! The vehicles made what I thought very authentic noises!! There were adventures galore!!! I remember being part and parcel to those adventures and conversations. They really happened, were I asked, and if friends were about, we all participated.

Now I am an author.

Pure coincidence.


[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers #TTMD 16 Mar 25 @saposcat CW: Seriously out there

I'll admit being at first thrown by the present tense of Blivy, thinking it an excerpt not a blurb, but the language caught me up. Refocusing, I've reread it a few times. The blurb seems like an interesting concept, bringing two different people together in separate narrative threads and, if I get this right, a third person/thread by a narratively unnamed author who might be telling another story through margin notes. Not sure whether to think that's creepy, a leak from a parallel fantasy world, a monk escaped from a monastery who can't help himself, or a pesky student willing to deface a former library book to get a report done. Maybe not the later... you did say "not published." Maybe the author is kid, or someone locked away crying for help? Sorry. Ahem!

Could you clarify how you're going to handle this making the resulting book feel written in? What's the philosophy of your choice versus straightforward narrative? Is it maybe a mystery to find where Waldo is hiding? More background would be interesting. What about presenting a few paragraph excerpt?

In any case, I can relate. While I find myself completely unable to write in a paper book, and barely in workbooks meant to be filled it, I have a character who's always writing in them. She has a rainbow of gel pens and highlighters, will fill margins, writing around corners, even drawing sketches or little flowers. She's first caught writing in books writing in a 500 year old thaumaturgy book, with someone later remarking what she wrote was more useful. I'm intrigued what you're up to.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.15 — How's your goal going? Is there anything you would like help with?

I have written and posted a chapter on Mastodon each day for 15 days, so I'm really surprising myself. Seventeen days, seventeen installments to go. I wonder if Charles Dickens felt this way? A few were late, so I did two the next day. Today's installment ( has the MC taking her 8-year-old on her first Mars walk, wearing the spacesuit she'd crafted for her daughter. The slice-of-life interlude with her monkey-like girl climbing a solar array is heart warming, as is her greeting her father who'd been away three months, saying rather precocious things. My goal is to write good gender fiction, and the main character suggesting her daughter be trained for men's work comes naturally in the situation I've built up to with foreshadowing over past chapters. #RSMarsNeedWomen

About all I can ask for as help is that the writing challenge prompts keep coming! They've helped me keep focused and disciplined. They act as carrots for completing a day's work. It takes 1-2 hours to write the 800 words, and 4-5 hours to revise it. Feels like a full time job...

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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Eldritch CaféRS, Author, Novelist, Prosaist (> 2503.28 /15 — Feather #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera Today May Ri tested. Things she invented. A daughter she gave birth to. The Meadowbrook rickshaw climbed the sandy hill strewn with rocks, the huge hoop wheels and isolated suspension rolling over obstacles with aplomb. She drove the tractor legs with her reins, to minimize jostling the cart, and got to the solar array minutes earlier than by taking the road compressed into the Martian regolith. Marisela hopped out instantly, rolled upon landing to her feet, and rushed the blue and black panels. Though shy, she had taken to suit-qualification... like a duckling to water—a phrase the 4 Mars-year-old wouldn't understand, but her mother did. She stopped before touching, looked expectantly at her mother, her eyes gleaming in the coming sunset inside her glare-free helmet. May Ri's maker v3.2 made spacesuits, something they'd had to import from Earth—Mars was never meant to be isolated from EM Mars Corp. Bankruptcy changed things, maker manufacturing locks only making it worse. At May Ri's nod, her daughter climbed the array, giggling, full of energy. Mars-refined metal platforms were simple tech, even gimbaled ones; the array wasn't fragile, only the sweepers and cables. Marisela had trained and given promises. She was an inspector! The girl's suit was a first production suit, and the only one sized for a child. Colonial planners hadn't thought through the implications of *kids.* May Ri patted the emergency balloon as she vaulted out of the tall cart and plopped down on the sand. "What about this?" Her monkey girl pointed out a bent wire feather wiper over a windblown deposit of red five aisles in. May Ri noted it on the wrist-mounted book plate. The regolith crunched under her shoes. The wind whistled faintly, mixing with the hum of the comm. A massive dust devil spun in the distance, which was why they were here—not for testing the cart, tractor legs, or the pink-striped Mars-green suit her daughter wore. Danger of a planetary dust storm was no joke. With a doubled population and dome construction, array efficiency was paramount; the anti-static feathers were her idea to replace fans. Men prospected for Thorium, but aeolian monzonite deposits were rare. Finding the mineral deposits on metallic 16 Psyche proved difficult, but the effort searching for them and the *Robinson Crusoe* disaster had brought them the dented maker her echo group dissected. At the slow orbital speed required for an asteroid, the ship had flipped and disintegrated, leaving rather gruesome remains of the men and partially intact machinery scattered over kilometers cratered metallic rock. May Ri felt proud of her maker derivative. V4.1 had built a compact thorium reactor prototype (another restricted device). In a dust year, a working reactor would prevent starvation. Mars grit and dust clung to everything, compromising moving parts. Together the two identified five repairables and reattached a cable. In the dusk, illuminated by bluish noctilucent clouds, May Ri drove the cart along the "paved" road. Marisela swayed and hummed happily to herself. At their dome, May Li got her chance at exuberance: Randy had returned days early. She jumped into his arms, but knocked him over. Marisela said surprisingly dryly, "Momie's going to be making funny noises tonight." She quickly hid behind May Li's legs when she stood, peering apprehensively with green eyes as Randy smiled at her. It had been three months since his last visit, a lifetime ago to a kid. Taking a deep breath, May Ri knelt and and pointed at her daughter. "This is Marisela, a brave little girl who today completed her first Mars surface expedition in a plus-plus fashion, the first suit-qualified girl to do that, helping her mother at the Array." Randy scooted over. Pointing at him, she said, "This is Randolf, an illustrious Martian arbitrator and HR wunderkind, an all around loving fellow, and your Dadie." He reached out a hand. Marisela's reddened face screwed up in an expression May Ri couldn't predict, but when she reached out her little hand to his big one, she burst into wild giggles. They shook in the handshake ritual *du jour,* laughing, before she warned, "Momie loves you, so you keep her happy." Martian nisei, besides being hoppy little frogs, were surprisingly open. Precocious. They had no Decath ministers to shame them, girls and boys lived and slept communally most days, and fathers were absent. Nobody bothered—or had time—to teach gender roles, so no nisei acted as either. May Ri approved. *Which meant...!* "Marisela is suit-qualified. Take her on your next assignment to teach her your job." With ever fewer men, Mars needed women doing men's work. #RSMarsNeededWomen 15 [Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.] #BoostingIsSharing #gender #fiction #writer #author #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers #RSstory #microfiction #flashfiction #tootfic #smallstory

#ScribesAndMakers 2503.14 — When writing dialogue, do you include everything from hello to goodbye or stick to what's essential?

Greetings are an establishment shot, like in the movies, highlighting the social hierarchy and setting level of civility, but from that point on I work to include just the essentials in the dialogue. Less is more. Composition is hard only because I can become exhausted, lose the thread, then lose the inspiration. Revision has no time restraint, and words committed are like photos on a digital camera—you can delete them; you can post-process them.

As for farewells? Not often seen in any of my stories. I like to end scenes, even those with dialog, hanging at a mystery, a threatening plot point, or my favorite: a darkly humorous note or a punch line.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.13 — Shameless Self-Promotion Day. Let's boost away.

Here's the newly minted cover art† for Mars Need Women. Check it out!

It's a web-novel, described in the blurb below. I have been posting it in a single free-to-read Mastodon thread. Here is the story link:

“A hopeful deeply-dystopian feminist SF story, with thinly veiled jabs at our current world's bad actors making for a bad future. Please note the past tense in the title: Mars Needed Women. The story's women are going to work to bring down the system, at least that part that's oppressing them, in a massive unscheduled disassembly.”

So far I've posted 12 chapters of 31, which I will do more or less daily through the end of this month. The first installment is an inside jacket blurb. The main story starts with a clang in the second installment. Chapter 11 may leave you in tears. #RSMarsNeededWomen

More in the #altText


† I designed and created the cover, wrote the blurbs, and did the titles. The images are courtesy of ESA and NASA. The spine is a strip of a Mariner 7 image. This is becoming a hobby of mine, and I am open to requests.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.12 — Do you play games? If so, do they influence your creativity?

I love playing video games but I never ever have time. Last few days I've spent over 8 hours writing to get my web-novel chapters published mostly daily. Regular schedule has plenty of distractions beyond gaming

How does it influence my creativity? A couple decades ago, I played a role playing game called MERP. I invented an amazing character and I've wrote a few chapters, but didn't complete the story. I did write a trans story in that universe, got it accepted, but the publisher went under so I never got paid.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#WordWeavers 2503.05 — What social classes do your MC and antagonist belong to?

I can only answer by analogy. When I mention a race, for example, bear in mind the Reluctance Universe isn't a future derivative of our society. That some people have wings; that makes a difference.

The WIP can be thought of as taking place in 1960s America. There will be a race to land on the moon, which makes it consistent. One MC is lower class black and the other is middle class white, but she's the child of an immigrant; her mother feels safer living in the black neighborhood. They become lovers.

In answers to challenge games, I often describe the main series antagonist as the President Kennedy of her era, with the black MC being the Marilyn Monroe, but she is classless—as both not having a class and sometimes lacking class. She was born at a time when women were chattel to what would be considered peasants, but she changed all that. What constitutes elite in the modern era is her choice since she's now an absolute ruler, but she rarely puts on the class airs others expect. If being disruptive aids her in accomplishing goals, her behavior will be disruptive. She's at times elegant, even statesman-like, or she can be an exhibitionist. She simply doesn't care... if she doesn't want to.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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Continued thread

2503.05 — Mirror #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera

Walking out of the cafeteria, May Ri got a ping. Her book plate read, "You've got a berth. Report immediately." When she touched her ear, Chip, her Mars T.A., shouted, "May Ri, where are you?"

Another scheme to collect his commission? "I've three more years to my degree and I'm tracked for the masters program, so No to the berth."

Her last word echoed. She saw Chip's shaggy head bobbing in the thin crowd as he ran her way, followed by a brawny brown-haired guy in a greenish jumpsuit with a EM Mars triskelion patch.

It matched the tattoo on her forearm.

"Look, look," Chip said, showing his book plate while glad-arming her down a side hall. She struggled when the EM goon clamped an aromatic wet rag over her nose and mouth.

Waking weightless and nauseated—stuffy head pounding, being floated somewhere—despite grogginess, she eyes-closed punched someone, spinning away to bounce off a wall. The click of cartilage, the thump off a bulkhead, the blare of a warning horn, and "Rig for ring spin!" rang in her ears. A tech clapped a bag over her mouth before she vomited up her last putrified meal, while enduring the blonde's glare as blood beaded around her nose. May Ri glowered back. Sitting on the wall, dragged on her butt, her inner ear then her innards, informed her it was now the floor.

Calming down, she noticed soft pastels of the ferrous, ferric, and ferrosoferric colors of Mars on the ceiling, new walls, and spin floor: greenish, pale red, and slightly black. When the tech said, "This one's combative," May Ri saw a grey-haired woman in a ferrous colored uniform approach. She sported a tiny gold braid embroidery patch and a bored expression.

"I was kidnapped!" May Ri shouted, jumping up, nearly losing the weighty barf-bag as she clunked the ceiling with her head. The woman caught her and handed off the bag, placing her on her feet, then let her complain until she lost steam and felt the cold ventilator breeze ten minutes later. She asked, "Are you the captain?" then thought, She's a woman!?

"His wife. I command third shift. What do you want me to do? Turn the ship around?"

It struck her. She was in transit to Mars.

Her kindly eyes were caramel brown. "Engineering student? I get it, but because of a financial disagreement this may be our last transit out for years. Your contract allows managers to make decisions based on your prior choices." She pointed at May Ri's triskelion tattoo that showed the faces of Mars on it. "That's a Yes if we cannot otherwise guarantee fulfilling your contract."

May Ri shivered. Reality had a knack for beating her bloody.

"We will transit back, but insisting on returning means breaching your contract, paying back scholarships, and facing your Decath sponsor to explain why you didn't take the blessing granted you." A glance at a book plate; she frowned. "Reverend Peters? Guess you're from Chicago, too."

The one who'd told her she was undeserving of even being a housewife. Had he approved her application as Mars colonial fodder to get an a-theist off Earth?

"Few Decath ministers choose the high ground. A few recently died. Just saying. Look, other than apologizing to Anne—she's in your cohort—no hard feelings?" She offered a hand, then scrolled her book plate. "Says here you've earned prelim suit qualification. I've exterior maint that needs doing. Since you've missed out on your degree, a space qualification would rank you up. Wanna try...?"

May Ri didn't seethe for long. A woman, especially, couldn't fight the male dominated system. Five days later she found herself outside, tethered, magnetic shoes clamped to the spine of the ship. Behind, aft, she saw the black radiator plate beyond which lay the nuclear rocket. A totally reflective, totally misnamed Starship shuttle stood as a fat needle at the bow. A clip from an ancient vid called 2001: A Space— something had featured in EM Mars propaganda. The five rings looked like that, but silver. The stars, though: Static, unmoving, except as reflected in the rotating rings. Enthralling.


She regarded herself in the mirror-sheened stainless steel cladding of the transit vehicle. Her tools? She could easily mischaracterize them as a mop and a wash bucket (they weren't), and herself as an exhausted housewife with a sweaty brow (it was) left home to do worthless work. Yet... she could properly characterize it as removing rocket burn debris and polishing out micro-meteor gouges. Most of all, she was doing it in a spacesuit, not Mom's kitchen apron.

"Kind of exciting," she said.

"May Ri?" a comm duty officer asked.

She smiled. "Nothing." #RSMarsNeededWomen 05

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#ScribesAndMakers 2503.05 — If you have family living with you, what do they think about your creative work?

Ad lib cooking: General approval, often applauds. The lo-carb cauliflower paella was a hit.

Photography: General approval, especially when I share my snapshots. Often, "My pictures aren't at all as good as RS'."

Writing: In general, supportive. Never get anybody to read my work tho. I sometimes resort to reading passages aloud.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#PennedPossibilities 605 — SC POV: If you had a “do-over” button, what one event in your life would you like to have a second chance at?

I threw a brick through a window of a guild that refused to admit me because of my gender. (I also rolled some vans down a hill.) I should not have run; I should have accepted being arrested and paid restitution. Weeks later, desperate for money, doing a cash job for who proved to be a mob boss, I got framed, blackmailed with the "evidence" for an unsolved murder. It ruined my life and I lost what little integrity remained me for what I was later forced to do.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

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#FantasyIndiesMarch More interesting prompts about writing! Here goes. Hope I can make this quick...

2. Are your characters introverted or extroverted?

MCs are almost always introverted, but in a departure from my comfort zone, the twin 1st person POV MCs are opposites. Thorn Rose is a classically introverted scholar and Streak Carryingaton is a classical extroverted jock (despite their gender roles). I mean, Streak must be extroverted because part of the story makes it obvious he's the Marilyn Monroe to his world's President Kennedy.

3. Lies in WIP?

I recently thought about his this, since I'm writing a WIP in 3rd person in addition to 1st person WIPs.

  • 3rd person is declarative narration: The narrator is declaring thus and such is the true nature of reality.
  • 1st person is assertive narration: The narrator is asserting thus and such is the true nature of reality, but the reader knows the narrator is a "real" person, and for reasons venal and embarrassing, can be counted on to spin what they report in their favor or in favor of their goals.

My 1st person narrators are always to a degree unreliable. The fun is when they slip and their reporting contradicts their own narrative. My third person narrators refrain from all opinion:

"All we want are the facts, ma’am.”
—Joe Friday, Dragnet

4. Do your character believe in luck or fate?

In the main WIP I'm working on, luck and fate do not exist in the language. There is no way to approximate it. Instead they talk about chance and skill, basically whether random chance can be mitigated by skill, and their accessment of what happened to them. For that matter, the word "belief" doesn't exist either, and they'd reason out super + natural is a nonsense compound word.

5. Risks in WIP?

Am I taking risks? In Reluctant Moon, I risk the story being taken as gratuitous erotic fantasy when it's gender fiction that's simply stating how the people in that universe live to make certain points. That it conflicts with our society morals (highlighting our rational for them) isn't germane to them. In Mars Needed Women, I risk the story not being read because of the low visibility of the #writever hashtag, as well as the story not panning out because of the extreme episoding nature of relying of a set of one word prompts to generate story.

Are the characters taking risks? Absolutely. The two main RM characters burst into the office of the most powerful person in the world to demand a scholarship. They later become astronauts, the first to visit the moon. In the Mars story, the MC tends to mouth off and get in trouble, but when she ends up murdering a wife-beater, women's lives throughout the solar system changes.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#gender #fiction #writer #author
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers
#RSstory #RSReluctanceStory #RSMarsNeededWomen

#ScribesAndMakers 2503.04 — My creative work is an essential part of who I am, true or false?

True. 💯%

For the longest time, I've loathed the idea of admitting I'm an author. And, I'm published! I'd cringe at parties where my spouse would introduce me as one. This was doubly worse after I'd burnt-out for a decade. Explain that, why don't ya? Being shy, I hated answering questions from strangers, and felt even admitting my creativity... Okay, I felt I wasn't worthy of claiming it.

Imposter syndrome, I'm told.

A photographer, that I could get my head around. The spouse? Not so much. I guess that we met because of my book made an impression.

These days are better. I'll talk about writing, but cringe when asked what I write? Having spent time reinventing myself, I've also spent time in the safer sandbox of fan fiction. Not giving out links, not on this alias, sorry. I'm a little better about discussing the number of works in progress, and my growing confidence I'll have inventory to sell. Soon.

Well. Creativity is part of my identity, true, even if I would generally be more comfortable to observe and not interact. However, you may have noticed I am interacting. Expanding my comfort zone.

I'm a work in progress, right?

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#gender #fiction #writer #author #photographer #chef #cooking
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers